Two hundred Hungarian health workers travel to Slovakia for tests


Hungary is assisting the national weekend tests in Slovakia with 200 health workers Ivan Korčok According to a Twitter post from the Slovak Minister for Foreign and EU Affairs, the 444th minister said: Although only 50 people were asked, Hungary would send 200 people, which he appreciated. To Péter Szijjártó. According to the entry, the Hungarians will attend in Komárom, Léva, Nitra and Tőkeerebesi.

We already reported in this previous article that he sent a letter Jaroslav Polacek Mayor of Košice to the Municipality of Miskolc, in which he requested to send his request to the city’s health workers to seek volunteer testers to help mass-test the population in Slovakia. The letter was received by all the general practitioners, pediatricians, health professionals, ambulance doctors and ambulance nurses in Miskolc.

It is not clear from the position of the Slovak minister where the Hungarian volunteers come from, but according to information 444, the volunteers are recruited from various Hungarian health institutions and higher education institutions.

Featured image illustration, photo: AFP / Joe Klamar
