Turns out who’s lying in front of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s coffin: her personal trainer


It was no coincidence that I joined the New York Times live video feed just as Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was invested in full state splendor on the Capitol in Washington when a tall, black man and painful entered the coffin. Hitting three regular recliners with your dark suit the next moment and then leaving. It was clear that this was not a morbid joke, but a serious tribute, the scene was completely strange.

As it turned out, the flex was none other than Ginsburg’s personal trainer, Bryant Johnson.

But he too? He was eaten by a former soldier who served in a special Air Force unit and later a personal trainer for Washington’s political justice elite, who trained with Ginsburg twice a week for twenty years. He also wrote a book about their shared experiences called “The RGB Training”.

The pop star-like cult of judges is a completely unknown phenomenon in Europe and in parts of the world outside of the United States. Bader Ginsburg’s 86th anniversary bezzeg was celebrated by fans by imitating the judge’s training methods en masse on the steps of the Supreme Court.

Talk show host Stephen Colbert has been amassed with RBG for two years, and coach Jonhson also appeared on the show:

The history of the secret negotiations of the 2018 elections.

I’ll see

