Turned out what depends on how much we take care of ourselves


Women are more likely to follow disease prevention measures than men, and older men are less likely to wash their hands, according to a recent Infostart survey.

Eötvös Loránd University conducted a questionnaire survey related to the coronavirus that involved more than 5,000 people, which showed that a higher proportion of women follow preventive measures. Men, especially older men, better follow behaviors related to wearing masks and distance, but they do not follow better behaviors related to handwashing and disinfection. results on the portal.

It turns out that someone is not behaving more precisely because of how endangered they are, but because of the severity of the illness. Those who consider themselves healthier have less adherence to some preventive behaviors.

Currently, there is a stimulus-induced chronic stress situation, to which you can add a feeling of congestion or loneliness, depending on living conditions, said Róbert Urbán, Head of the Department of Personality and Health Psychology at ELTE PPK, in a video interview. He also spoke about how pets can facilitate the current situation.
