Turkish Researchers Say Chinese CoronaVac Vaccine Is 91.25 Percent Effective


The coronavirus vaccine, developed by Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinovac Biotech, is 91.25 percent effective, and that rate could rise in the late experimental phase, Turkish researchers said Thursday after Turkey became the second. been to try the vaccine.

The researchers, in part members of the government’s scientific council, said they found no serious side effects during the CoronaVac trial in Turkey, except for one person who had allergic reactions. CoronaVac is an attenuated virus-based vaccine.

Serhat Unal, an expert on epidemic diseases and a member of the scientific council, said the experiments were carried out with 7,371 randomly selected volunteers and that the vaccine was safe.

Turkish Health Minister Fahrettin Koca said at a press conference on Thursday that this first announcement about the effectiveness of the vaccine, SinoVac, postponed the presentation of the results of the last phase of the experiments until January.

Turkey ordered 50 million doses of the Chinese vaccine before the December 11 deadline, but shipments were delayed. Fahrettin told a news conference in Koca that the vaccine will arrive on Monday and that Turkey will immunize about 9 million people in the first group, led by health workers.

Fahrettin Koca said a deal to vaccinate Pfizer and BioNTech is also close. He highlighted: Turkey could buy 4.5 million servings of this by the end of March, but will have a right of first refusal for 30 million servings.

According to data from the Turkish Ministry of Health on Thursday, 18,102 new confirmed coronavirus infections were reported last day, with 254 deaths.

