Trump’s ego won’t catch the virus


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With a theatrical rip of Donald Trump’s mask, he celebrated that he might leave the hospital at his own suggestion. However, it is almost certainly contagious.Photo: WIN MCNAMEE / AFP

Few images could better summarize Donald Trump’s relationship to the coronavirus epidemic than Win McNamee’s photograph of a president discharged from the hospital after three days as he removes the mask from his mouth with theatrical gestures.

Why? Based on what we’ve learned about the virus over the past three-quarters, we can safely say that Donald Trump is still an actively infectious patient. But that doesn’t stop you from endangering others with your irresponsibility.

There is nothing new in his attitude. We know from Bob Woodward’s latest book, Anger, that Trump was already aware in February of how dangerous the virus was and that it was spreading through the air, but he confessed that he did his best in his selfish political goals to downplay the importance of the virus. trouble. And now, after three days of illness, he tweets that he has first-hand experience with the virus, not books, and his campaign team is attacking his presidential rival, Joe Bident, saying the Democratic candidate was not even coronavirus.

He then tweeted about how he felt great. “Do not be afraid of the covid, do not let it dominate your life,” he wrote, to which he even added with his well-conceived style: “I’m better now and maybe immune, I don’t know.”

Meanwhile, only the White House and his attending physician, Sean Conley, who is actually a subordinate of the president, who is his commander-in-chief as president, provide extremely confusing and contradictory information about what he really is like. That is, in the relationship between the two, it is not at all clear that the doctor’s word decides. Conley is in a special position because, as a physician, he is responsible to his patient, not to the public. This is also why he may have consistently painted an extremely optimistic picture of the president’s condition, contrary to the assessments of all the covidiosis experts. Although, according to the leaked news about Trump’s care, Trump’s condition was much more serious, or at least much more serious, than was officially revealed.

Starting with the transfer to the hospital one day after diagnosis. This is not surprising, since Trump, 74, already considers himself vulnerable simply because of his age, and his dominance only increases the risk of contracting the disease. It is difficult to say for sure in the absence of adequate knowledge of their condition, but it is a fact that patients of similar age and weight, who also needed ventilation, cannot return home after only ten days, but fortunately. Doctors who spoke in the American press were unanimous of the opinion that Trump’s release was not a medical decision.

However, it is inconceivable that the president is really better. Although in his tweet he tries to mount it as if covid – in which more than two hundred thousand voters have lost their lives so far – is not such a serious disease, few patients receive the same level of care as him.

For the past three days, Trump has received not one, but two experimental drugs to treat the virus at once: an antiviral drug, remdesivir, and monoclonal antibodies. At the moment, these two drugs can only be administered to patients with emergency authorization because their efficacy has not yet been demonstrated in clinical trials.

Additionally, Trump also received dexamethasone. It is an immunosuppressive steroid that is actually only given to the most severe patients, who are no longer at risk of contracting the virus, but of an overreaction of their own immune system.

Based on these, those who have gained a lot of experience treating covid in recent months say the president’s condition may be more serious than his doctors suggest, and say he should actually remain under close observation for another week. This is because the condition of these elderly people, so overweight patients can deteriorate dramatically from one moment to the next, and no matter how equipped the White House is, they cannot provide the same level of care as in a hospital. Even her treating physician, Conley, said the president is not overweight yet, and it can be said with certainty in a week at least that she has overcome the danger.

“We are cautiously optimistic and remain on hold because we are on uncharted ground with a patient who has received these treatments at such an early stage of the disease. So we are looking forward to the weekend. If Monday comes and everything continues like this, or better yet”. it gets better, then we can finally breathe, ”Conley said.

However, Trump, as in any other situation, is primarily interested in appearances and, secondly, it is notorious that he is not even tolerated by the sight of a disease. This last trait is well documented, for example, when he was taking a decorative semmania, he resolutely asked that wounded war veterans, who were hard to see, not march in the parade.

And the appearance you are trying to suggest is that it is proof of your illness, not irresponsibility. He did not take responsibility for regularly organizing mass events against all public health recommendations that ignored the rules of distance and wearing of masks, even though his close staff were also found to be infected with dozens of them.

All of this does not bode well for the way you plan to deal with the crisis in the future. With his newfound confidence that he already knows everything about the virus through personal experience, he once again carries the message that no one should be afraid of infection because “we have the best drugs in the world.” I mean, to him that he can also have access to experimental drugs and that he can receive a standard of medical care as president that other earthly mortals can hardly access.

As a result of this special treatment, his doctors say that on Trump’s third day he has no fever and his blood oxygen levels are now in order. However, the recordings of his lungs declined to be publicly discussed, from which, of course, everyone immediately concludes that Trump may have bilateral pneumonia.

However, Trump wanted to leave the hospital on Sunday, but that day his doctors were still able to resist him. On Monday, however, he was released and Trump ripped the mask off and then marched toward the White House with his face uncovered, though he was certainly still contagious. With that in mind, his staff planned to be segregated in the presidential suite, but Trump said his advisers wanted to demonstrate from the president’s office how capable he was and did not know who could prevent it.

Trump also insists on attending the second debate of the presidential candidate next Thursday, which is scheduled to be held not only in front of the public, but with the active participation of the public. Meanwhile, Trump’s immediate environment is already spreading the epidemic. His wife, Melania, one of his closest advisers, Hope Hicks, the campaign manager, Bill Stepien, the president of the Republican party Ronna McDaniel, Chris Christie, who prepared her for the debates, and the spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany were infected. The latter, by the way, spoke to reporters only on Sunday, strictly without a mask, so that his virus test was positive the next day.

The history of the secret negotiations of the 2018 elections.

I’ll see

