Trump will not form a new party and will not rule out starting in 2024


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The first major public appearance by former US President Donald Trump since his electoral defeat took place on Sunday night in Hungarian time. Trump spoke at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), a major annual event at the base of the Republican Party in Florida.

Photo: JOE RAEDLE / Getty Images via AFP

Trump spoke for 90 minutes, announcing, among other things, that he had won the 2020 election and that the Democrats had only misled the bottom line (neither Trump nor anyone on his staff had been able to provide any evidence for this claim, and all there was no fraud in the 2020 election, according to the election cleanup agency and body, in which Biden received more than seven million votes.)

One of the biggest questions before the event was whether Trump plans to form a divided party or continues to envision his future in the Republican Party. According to Sunday’s speech, the latter is the case: Trump said he would not form a new party and did not rule out at all that he would also run in the 2024 elections. After reiterating the lie that he was misled by the elections, he said that could beat them for the third time, in 2024.

The event, which begins on Thursday, and which regularly serves to show the balance of power and breaking points within the conservative field, showed this year that despite the electoral defeat, Trump’s support within the Republican field remains very significant. Several speakers spoke of the fraudulent election, although it was spectacular that mainstream Republicans, led by Mitch McConnell, did not show up for the event. Just as there was no former Vice President Mike Pence, with whom Trump’s relationship after the defeat turned very cold as Pence refused to question the election result.

Trump is still unable to report on Facebook and Twitter as his fans besieged the Capitol on January 6 as a result of his words. Since January 20, when he left the White House, Trump has lived in his golf residence in Florida.

In their speech, Trump said their journey, which began together four years ago, was far from over, and they met here to discuss the future of their common movement. That’s when he called rumors that he planned to form a new party fake news. Instead, they have the Republican Party here, which they say will be more united and stronger than ever.

Much of his speech was taken up for insulting President Joe Biden’s work to date, as Trump said that Biden’s first presidential month was the most catastrophic of the first presidential months in modern history. He said the new president had come up with an illegal and immoral radical immigration policy. Trump also asked Bident to reopen schools, even though the coronavirus epidemic is not over yet in the country.

Trump also pointed out that the Republican Party is already united, with only a few in Washington sticking out, but everyone else is on one side. (BBC, guardian)
