Trump vetoed $ 740 billion defense budget


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Donald Trump vetoed the United States Defense Budget Act after it was passed by a large majority of both houses of Congress with bipartisan support. The outgoing president called the budget a gift to China and Russia, limiting the number of US troops withdrawn from Afghanistan and Europe.

Overriding the presidential veto requires a two-thirds majority in both houses, who will now unite with a good shot, so this could be the first time lawmakers have come across Trump. Otherwise, the United States, which maintains the world’s largest force after 60 years, would execute it for the first time during the New Year without a defense budget.

Trump also does not like the fact that the law changes the names of military bases that are named after civil war leaders from the southern Confederate states. His advisers warned him not to veto, but the president, increasingly removed from reality, did not listen to them. (BBC)

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