Trump appeared in public for the first time since contracting the coronavirus


Donald trump The president of the United States appeared in public for the first time on Saturday since he became infected with the coronavirus and was hospitalized.

Speaking on the balcony of the White House, Trump said he felt great. The president promised before the hundreds of those present that the coronavirus would disappear.

I want you to know: our nation is defeating this terrible Chinese virus

He highlighted, referring to the origin of the virus. He added that the coronavirus vaccine will arrive very quickly, in record time, although there is no evidence of that anyway. With the help of science and medicine, we will destroy the virus forever in every corner of the world, said the president of the United States.

Trump will revitalize himself in the presidential campaign next week and hold rallies in two locations, the president’s campaign staff announced.

Trump will appear in public in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday, and Des Moines, Iowa, on Wednesday.

The president of the United States was taken to the hospital on October 2 after he was diagnosed with a coronavirus infection the day before. He returned to the White House four days later, where he first worked not in the Oval Office but in a separate room. It is not known if the president is still infected because the authorities did not respond to the questions of the journalist investigating this.

At Trump Hospital, he received a cocktail of antibodies, antiviral Remdesivir, steroids, and other preparations. Even in a statement issued Thursday night, a White House doctor described the president’s health condition as satisfactory and let him know that he could even attend election events.

Featured Image: MANDEL NGAN / AFP
