Travelers to Austria got good news


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Károly Kontrát explained that the government, along with the travel restrictions introduced on September 1, also pays attention to the aspects of those who live in the border area. For the sake of those who go to work and school, the Pinkamindszent-Strém crossing will open at the Hungarian-Austrian border every day from 6 a.m. M. A 8 a. M. And from 15 a. M. At 5 p. M. Tuesdays.

The Secretary of State recalled that the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic has also reached Hungary, the number of infected people is growing, everything must be done in this situation to prevent the spread of the infection. The safety of the elderly and school children must be guaranteed at the same time and the functioning of the Hungarian economy must be preserved.

By the spring, at the time of the first wave, the travel restriction, which the government reimposed on September 1, had already proven its worth. However, in view of the interests of those who live along the border, it allowed travelers to travel freely within an area of ​​30 kilometers, recalled Károly Kontrát.

He added that in Pinkamindszenten the mayors of the area had been consulted about what experiences had been leaked during the last week of the restriction. Stakeholders demanded that the crossing should not be an additional heavy burden, longer than is reasonable for workers or schoolchildren, so they decided to open the crossing to Strém in two time zones.

Tamás Vargha, Secretary of State for Civil Intelligence of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Economy, also highlighted that In order to keep the economy viable, it was decided to help those who were going to work and study across the Hungarian-Austrian border.

At the same time, he indicated that the government had already allowed all citizens to enter for commercial and economic reasons without restrictions at the end of last week, which is also justified by ensuring the proper functioning of the Hungarian economy.

Zsolt V. Németh, Fidesz member of the parliament of the region, spoke about the reopening of the Hungarian-Slovenian border crossings of Kétvölgy and Alsószölnö last week, the provision of education for children at the Magyarszombatfa crossing and the opening of the border between Hungary and Austria. also the border crossing of St. Petersburg.

These decisions are significant because the number of new coronavirus infections in Hungary also reached a record on Monday, making it a very difficult task to protect people’s health at the same time, but to ensure the operation of factories and maintain services. economic, educational or even health care at the borders. .

Top image: An Austrian police officer checks a driver at the Hungarian-Austrian border in Pinkamindszent on May 2, 2016. Source: MTI Photo: György Varga
