Today’s records have also broken records in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia


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In the czech republic

the daily number of coronavirus infections increases sharply. Laboratory tests Thursday showed infection in 3,130 people, bringing the number of daily infections to more than 3,000 for the first time. The daily increase exceeded 1,000 on Thursday. The number of active infections currently stands at 20,281, according to Friday morning’s report from the Health Ministry, which is also a new record.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic on March 1, 44,155 people in the Czech Republic have been infected and almost three-fifths have recovered from their illness. Although the course of the disease is mild in the vast majority of cases, the number of people in need of hospital treatment and of people in serious condition is also increasing rapidly.

Prague metroPhoto: MICHAL CIZEK / AFP

Prime Minister Andrej Babis announced on Friday that the activities of the national crisis headquarters will be renewed. This claim had been raised for a few weeks, but Babis objected. According to the press, it is mainly due to the fact that the crisis committee is governed by law, not by the head of government, but by the Minister of the Interior. The Minister of the Interior is Jan Hamácek, president of the Social Democrats coalition partner. In the spring, crisis management boosted the popularity of Hamas and his party.

Health Minister Adam Vojtech, speaking to public service radio, acknowledged that the situation of the epidemic is deteriorating and it is not ruled out that more national precautions are needed.

On Friday, the ministry revised the so-called traffic light system, in which the epidemic situation in each region is color-coded. A red color appeared on the map to indicate the most serious situation. This was given to Prague, where the situation is worse, with more than 200 infected people for every 100,000 inhabitants. Mayor Stefan Hrib announced that next week, Prague’s secondary schools, colleges and universities will switch to distance learning. As a new national measure, starting Friday, upper secondary students (grades 6-9) will also be required to wear a protective mask during classes. More than a fifth of new coronavirus cases have recently been detected in schools.

In Slovakia

again, the number of newly registered infected people set a record. The country recorded 235 new infections on Thursday, a new daily record and nearly double the highest number reported in the spring. In Slovakia, for example, the daily average of new infections recorded, calculated on the basis of a week’s data, has been increasing more or less continuously for almost two weeks, which was 161 as of Thursday.

Slovak Health Minister Marek Krajcí also spoke about the continuing deterioration of the situation at a press conference on Friday. He added that he expects a weekly increase of twenty percent. Meanwhile, Friday morning

The measure of the central government crisis team that put the Czech Republic on the list of risk countries for Slovakia came into force.

In practice, this means that travelers living within a 30-kilometer radius on both sides of the border and, except in some other cases, those coming from the Czech Republic must have a negative test of no more than 72 hours, otherwise they will have to go home in quarantine.

In Slovakia, a total of 6,256 people have so far been diagnosed with the pathogen, according to data from the National Center for Health Information on Friday. According to official statistics, so far 3,990 people have recovered from the infection and there are currently 2,827 active infections. In Slovakia, there have been 39 official deaths so far. To date, more than 403,000 virus tests have been carried out in the country.

In slovenia

It also set another record for the number of people infected with the coronavirus. According to data released by the government, the number of infected people rose from 137 to 4,195 on Thursday. Since the start of the epidemic, the daily increase in infections has not been that high, with a record 123 infections so far Tuesday. Another 104 new cases were reported Wednesday.

When the border between Italy and Slovenia was reopened on June 15Photo: JURE MAKOVEC / AFP

There have been four new deaths, bringing the death toll from the epidemic to 140 so far. Of the diagnosed patients, 67 are in the hospital and eleven of them are cared for in an intensive care unit. The number of patients needing hospital care has doubled since last week. The number of active patients is 1116. Due to the increase in the number of infected

Slovenia is introducing more restrictions to curb the epidemic: from Saturday it will be mandatory to wear the mask both indoors and outdoors.

and from the beginning of the week in schools from the seventh grade onwards, temperatures must be measured in workplaces and nightclubs must close at 10 pm.

The cabinet is preparing new decrees that would be introduced in the event of a further increase in the number of infected people in the country. Such would be, for example, lowering the ceiling of the meetings from ten to six and restricting the opening hours of the stores. (MTI)

The history of the secret negotiations of the 2018 elections.

I’ll see
