To know for sure about the Chinese vaccine that can reach Hungary


One of the Chinese vaccines against the coronavirus is also arriving in Hungary; they are worth knowing about the Sinopharm vaccine.

While we mostly hear about the Pfizer and BioNTech joint vaccine and Moderna vaccine at home and debate whether the Russian vaccine, which will also be administered, is safe, the first Chinese vaccine may slowly arrive in the country. Viktor Orban In an interview with Kossuth Radio on Friday, he spoke: there is a Chinese vaccine, they can get it en masse, these channels are open and that requires the approval of the health authorities. It all depends on how quickly the National Institute of Pharmacy and Food Health (OGYÉI) approves the vaccine. The first shipment can mean up to a million servings.

The prime minister did not explain exactly which Chinese vaccine he was thinking of, but previous information suggests that he is lobbying the Hungarian Medicines Authority for the Sinopharm vaccine due to approval. However, so far there are many questions about Chinese vaccines, including the problem that

Documentation of phase III research is not available at all.

Sinovac is not very effective

But what about Chinese vaccines? According to preliminary data, the Sinovac vaccine is approximately 50 percent effective and has been tested in Brazil, with disappointing results that its approval is uncertain. The World Health Organization considers emergency approval of a vaccine that is at least 50 percent effective to be acceptable.

CoronaVac is a first-generation vaccine called a killed (inactivated) pathogen. The hepatitis A or rabies vaccine also contains a killed pathogen. In this case, the coronavirus is completely inactive by chemical reactions, that is, it no longer infects. Unlike an attenuated virus, it certainly does not go wild (that is, it will not re-infect), so you are at virtually no risk of infection. But it doesn’t seem to be really effective either.

Sinopharm can come to Hungary

For us, however, the Sinopharm vaccine is of interest, which also contains an inactivated virus. Sinopharm state holding company CNBG has developed or is still developing two vaccines, sometimes referred to as “Beijing” and “Wuhan” in the Chinese press. The Chinese company announced on December 30 that the phase 3 study of the BBIBP-CorV vaccine showed an efficacy of 79%, lower than Pfizer or Moderna, but is not yet considered bad. The third phase started in the UAE in July and in Morocco and Peru in August. In the UAE, people are already being vaccinated with this anyway, 86 percent efficiency, but this is only a partial result, and for now, no one can explain where the difference between the two results comes from. Of the investigation.

Licensing works differently in China than it does here: Even before the data from the phase III clinical trials were known, nearly a million Chinese were vaccinated under the emergency program. Although no specific side effects have been reported, the procedure is highly unusual: the results of these studies are expected even before emergency authorization. And at the end of the year, the drug was cleared for mass vaccination in China. So far, about 20 million people in the world have been vaccinated with it.


According to an HVG article, the fundamental problem with this vaccine is that very little information has been revealed about how the tests were carried out; there is no adequate documentation, without which it will be difficult to authorize the vaccine. According to an article in The Guardian, there was uncertainty even in China about the use of the vaccine, and phase III research, at least in the West, has not been published, it was later promised, but it is not known exactly when.

They are produced more slowly than mRNA vaccines.

Although Sinopharm and Sinovac have chosen a more traditional method of vaccine production, this also means that they can produce their vaccines much more slowly than newer types of vaccines. Also, there is a greater chance that the immune system will not respond properly. Until now, little is known about the details: the HVG article says that according to the WHO, the truth is that it is necessary to administer two doses, 21 days apart, but we have not been able to reach the document in question. Information on transportation and refrigeration is not officially available.

However, it is not a very encouraging sign that the president of Sinopharm has resigned in recent days, in fact, Li Csiming in addition to the chairman of the board Li Huj, the group director also left. Personal reasons were cited as reasons.

Furthermore, according to the HVG, to be licensed in Hungary, an OGYÉI permit is required, which is inconceivable without receipt of full documentation. According to Hungarian experts, OGYÉI experts can be trusted; furthermore, such an examination will not be ready in a week or two, so the arrival of Chinese vaccines is not expected recently.
