Time for a total obligation to wear a mask


In Poland, it is no longer compulsory to wear the mask only at home, who knows how long, in any other place, the mask must always be worn, even if the citizen stumbles upon it.

The era of full masking obligations has arrived in Poland, according to a Business Insider Polska article. The wise decision makers in government have decreed that masks should be worn even in open office spaces, even where there are not too many people.

The new law affects not only offices and workplaces in general, but all places intended for official administration, administration, places of justice, culture, religion, education, institutions, banks, as well as places for commercial services, gastronomic and the post office too. The obligation also applies to kitchens or canteens in the workplace. The point of the law is that it contains no exceptions.

Previously, masks were to be worn only by those who were presumed to be doing work where they could meet interested parties or buyers. Office workers could do this without covering their mouth and nose, citing the exception that they were performing their job duties.

Experts say this form of expanded law is a legal bubble and are already thinking about how it should be changed. One of the peculiarities is that, according to him, in company kitchens, only one person could always be present, since there is no ribbed mask while eating.
