Three million credit card details could have been leaked


The information appears to come from an American restaurant chain.

Security blog Krebs on Security reported a gigantic data theft, an archive of more than three million bank card details that became available on the dark web earlier this week. According to the advertiser, the dataset, which can be purchased in whole or in part for an unknown amount, has a good probability of more than 90% of valid codes, its products come from thirty-five states of the USA. ., In addition to some codes from Europe, Asia and other parts of the repertoire.

Image is for illustrative purposes only.Forrás: Photononstop / Eric Audras

Security companies that tracked down the stolen card details said the codes could have come from the stores of the American restaurant chain Dickey’s Barbeque Restaurant, and there are indications that customers whose credit cards were stolen in the classic way when paying. they were involved in the robbery. Payment terminals that read a chip instead of a magnetic stripe and allow contactless payments remained secure and, in principle, no card data was leaked.

Security firm Gemini Advisory said it was possible to install malware on old-style card reader systems, with data from a total of 156 stores. Q6 Cyber ​​added that criminals were able to use the information between May 2019 and September 2020.

At the time of writing, a Dickey’s spokesperson had only confirmed that the company had been notified of the alleged security disaster and had initiated the necessary investigation into the matter, with no further being able to add to the case at this time. The company operates under a franchise system, and most of its restaurants are operated by other companies, which will likely make research difficult.

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