Three members of the UN peacekeepers have been killed in the Central African Republic


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Unidentified gunmen killed three UN peacekeepers with Burundian nationality in the Central African Republic on Friday local time, according to a World Organization report.

A statement noted by UN spokesman Stéphane Dujarric adds that the attack also has two wounded. António Guterres, Secretary General of the World Organization, condemned the attack and stressed that the murders of the peacekeepers were a war crime.

The Central African Republic will hold presidential and parliamentary elections on Sunday. According to a UN mission stationed in the country, the rebels have carried out dozens of attacks on election campaign events in recent weeks.

The political system of the Central African Republic, which gained independence from France in 1958, is volatile due to ethnic and religious tensions. In 2013, members of a Muslim rebel organization called Seleka overthrew Francois Bozize, the country’s Christian president, and armed Christian militiamen responded to an attack on the country’s Muslim community.

At the beginning of December, the Supreme Court of the African country rejected Bozizé’s candidacy in the presidential elections and the decision caused a resurgence of tensions.

On Monday, both Russia and Rwanda commanded soldiers in Bangui after three days ago an armed group launched an attack, which the local government described as an attempted coup. In a separate statement last week, Guterres condemned the increasingly scathing violence, disinformation campaign, hate speech and incitement to violence. (MTI)

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