Three-day municipal strike announced –


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At a press conference held in front of the Interior Ministry building, the president of Péterné Boros (MKKSZ) stressed that all this will take place after the the interior minister refused to engage in meaningful dialogue with the union, saying that he did not consider any of their demands as a basis for negotiation.

Their main claim is to liquidate the budgetary financing of local governments and reimburse the expenses that local governments have spent on controlling the epidemic in accordance with government decrees, he added.

The union leader said: Government decisions in recent months have made it impossible for local governments to manage. In doing so, they put the jobs, livelihoods and futures of thousands of municipal employees at risk, he stressed.

This is because layoffs can be expected due to government withdrawals affecting local governments, he said.

He stressed that the union had complied with all conciliation legislation before the strike, but the Interior Minister, Sándor Pintér, refused to enter into a meaningful dialogue.

As a result, it continued, as announced by MKKSZ.

the strike involved 5,358 municipal officials, representing 17.5 percent of the 30,573 employees.

Local agencies are free to decide how many days or hours they will stop working, he explained.

His claims also include an increase in the salary base from HUF 38,650, which has remained unchanged for 13 years, to HUF 60,000. This amount does not cover the minimum wage either, that is, today local governments have to supplement state resources.

They also demand the introduction of a graduated minimum wage for municipal employees, Péterné Boros said.

Beáta File, head of the KMKSZ municipal council, described it as outrageous that the minister responsible for local governments did not want to receive the union leaders representing the workers. This is the trampling of social interest, he said.

He noted that the wage fight did not start now at the time of the epidemic, but that they had been making their demands uninterruptedly for 13 years.

And local governments cannot take responsibility for solidarity, as they pay double the cost of the pandemic, on the one hand in the form of financing local defense tasks, and on the other hand in the form of government withdrawals, the union leader said. .

Cover photo: Péterné Boros, president of the Hungarian Public Service Workers ‘, Civil Servants and Civil Service Workers’ Union (MKKSZ), will address a meeting held at the start of the union’s one-day strike in the 15th century. in the district mayor’s office on March 14, 2019. On the right is László Kordás, president of the Hungarian Trade Union Confederation. Source: MTI / Zoltán Máthé
