Three coronavirus doctors left the hospital


A fugitive against fugitives was reported in southern Romania and an internal investigation was launched.

Three coronavirus-infected doctors treated as patients escaped from a county hospital in Targu Jiu, the county seat of Gorj. According to Főté, his disappearance appeared to medical service officials on Thursday night when an inspection was carried out.

The aim of the study was to assess the extent to which intensive care beds were occupied and how patients were treated. It was then that the absence of the three patients became apparent and the fact that all three were hospital doctors, who had been referred a few days ago.

Police officers were immediately notified and set off in search of the three fugitive doctors. At dawn, the action was crowned with success, the three were at home. They immediately called an ambulance and took them back to the hospital, from where they left without the knowledge of the staff.

A criminal complaint was filed against them and an internal investigation of the case was launched at the hospital.

The main square recalls that almost 6,000 Romanian health workers have been infected with the corona virus since the outbreak.

Our special photo illustration: János Marjai /
