Thousands of samples from the Public Health Center have disappeared.


Nearly 4,000 test samples disappeared Wednesday from the website of the National Center for Public Health. According to an article, the data would have shown that the presence of the coronavirus may have been massive in Hungary in mid-March, writes the response line.

In weeks 11 and 12 of the year, thousands of suspected influenza specimens arrived at the public health center, however, these allegedly indicated other diseases.

Of the unprecedented amount of material, the presence of the influenza virus has been little confirmed. So the question arises as to what caused the diseases.

According to the week 12 flu report from the National Center for Public Health, the number of visits to the doctor has decreased significantly, however a large number of samples have been sent to the Public Health Center compared to week 12 of 2019 .

We reviewed the year from the first week to the eleventh, but found nothing interesting: samples sent between 100 and 200 per week, influenza in 30-50 percent of cases. No excitement. So the numbers only exploded in the week of March 15, we thought, and reopened the report for week 12. At first, we thought our eyes were dazzling because there was completely different data on the NNK website than a hour before. The burden of proof is gone

– are written in the article online.

In the week 12 report, 2,855 samples were prewritten, and then the same number dropped to just 70 in hindsight.

The portal asked NNK why the data changed afterward and why the Influenza Alert Service report was discontinued for weeks, and if there was no influenza in the samples, what? Have samples been tested for coronaviruses? They did not receive a response.

Featured Image: MTI / Koszticsák Szilárd
