Those who did not play were afraid of the virus – G


Hungary’s men’s handball team defeated rookie Cape Verde 34-27, thus successfully initiating their participation in the 2021 World Cup in Egypt. After the meeting, federal captains Gábor Ancsin, Roland Mikler, Mátyás Győri and István Gulyás evaluated.


According to federal captain István Gulyás, the performance was acceptable (Photo: afp)

Man of the match with 7 goals Gábor Ancsin he became the one who started his assessment of M4 Sport saying it was great to finally be on the track again.

“The virus dragged the preparation, so it was good to finally be able to play a live match with the team. Obviously, there were a lot of mistakes that need to be corrected, but for the first game I don’t think it was that bad. “

Responding to a question, he said that after several people on the opponent’s team became coronavirus, they feared infection because there were fewer and fewer antibodies in players, and there were some who had not yet been through the disease.

“It’s hard to tell I am sure that nobody has caught the virus and we can continue without problems. The point is that we have the two points and we can develop more. “

Mikler roland The team captain said that the pre-match uncertainty was not optimal for them as they did not even know if there would be a match and exactly who they would be on.

“I’ve never been to a world tournament in such a way that we didn’t even know who was going to play on the opponent’s team. We groped in the dark, knowing literally an hour before the game who we were going to play against. So I’m proud of the team, there were mistakes, but we can keep them to a minimum if we can properly prepare for the opponent. “

Mátyás Győri he scored two goals against Cape Verde, one from a Chinese figure.

“It was absolutely planned, in Tatabánya we played a lot of this with Petny Hornyák, so it was nothing new. It’s more like that Two or three hours before the game we didn’t know if we were going to play and, if so, who would be on the team. It was a typical first match, no one was injured, hopefully the Covid test is negative for everyone too. The most important thing is that the team won ”.

István Gulyás In response to a question, the federal captain acknowledged that familiarity had not yet been seen on the team.

“I missed the training games. It’s very difficult, we played a long time ago, it was a bit rough. It was a typical first game of the World Cup with an acceptable performance ”.

In the meeting from the bench Máthé Dominik, jr. Miklós Rosta and Ádám Borbély did not enter either (while we did not name Márton Székely, Bóka Bendegúz and Pedro Rodríguez), but the specialist revealed: mainly because of the coronavirus.

“Twelve of our players have antibodies in the organization, so those who did not play were afraid, we tried to seek safety because we did not know if there was a virus carrier in the opponent. It was with this in mind that we formed the team. “

The Hungarian team will continue to perform in the World Cup against Uruguay on Sunday.


HUNGARY-CAPE VERDE 34-27 (19-14)
Giza, behind closed doors. Directed by:
Emam, Hedaya (Egyptians)
HUNGARY: Mikler – HORNYÁK P. 4, ANCSIN G. 7, Lékai 2, Bánhidi 3, Szita 1, Sunajko S. 4. To exchange: Sipos 1, Topic 1, Balogh Zs. 4 (1), Győri M. 2, Nagy Bence 4, Hanusz 1. Federal Captain: István Gulyás
CAPE VERDE: E. Fernandes – A. Furtado 5, Araujo 2, Moreno 3, SEMEDO 6 (1), G. FURTADO 5 (2), A. Pereira 2. To exchange: Almeida (kapus), G. dos Santos, Pina 2, Landim 2. Megabyte. federal captain: Ruí Ferreira
Development of the result. 6 min: 5–1. 8. p.: 5-4. 12. p.: 8–4. 23. p.: 14–8. 26. p.: 17-10. 37. p.: 24-15. 45. p.: 26-19. 51. p.: 28-22. 55. p.: 31-23
Exhibitions: 12, resp. 8 min
Seven meters: 3/1, sick. 3/3

In another group match
Germany-Uruguay 43-14 (16–4)
