This text will be delivered hand in hand at the SZFE demonstration


There will be a live network demonstration starting at 3 pm between the University of Theater and Motion Picture Arts and the Parliament building. The organizers of the demonstration plan to form a chain of relay to the parliament, in which several universities will participate, to which they will deliver the statutes of the University of the Performing Arts. The Magna Charta Universitatum establishes exactly the principles on which we can envision cooperation, they write.

The text of the letter is as follows:

“The community of the University of Theater and Film Arts, solemnly proclaiming the principles of the Millennium Idea Universitas, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the Magna Charta Universitatum (1988) and the 155-year-old SZFE tradition, solemnly proclaims the principles intended to sustain its mission.

University autonomy has been an indisputably important and indispensable universal value for centuries, rooted in European culture; and as such it is an integral part of the rule of law and the democratic value system of Hungary. The “European University” is probably one of the longest continuous social institutions in the Western world with a long history.

The traditional and slowly millenary autonomy of higher education is an essential condition for active and productive teaching and research. In the context of the autonomy of higher education, the Magna Charta Universitatum, which proclaims the autonomy of European universities, emphasizes the separation of universities from political and economic power and highlights the moral and intellectual independence of universities: this type of Independence is much more important than economic autonomy.

This right is developed by the four principles of the Magna Charta Universitatum, which have been used so far in the regulation of Hungarian higher education. They stipulate that the university is an autonomous institution and, to fulfill its mission of creating and transmitting cultural values, it must be independent from all political, economic and ideological powers. Furthermore, freedom of research, education and training is essential for the operation of the university, compliance with which must be ensured by state authorities and universities within their respective spheres of competence.

In accordance with these principles, our current Basic Law, which declares in the part entitled Freedom and Responsibility that Hungary guarantees the freedom of scientific research and artistic creation and, to acquire the highest possible level of knowledge, the freedom of learning and teaching within of the limits prescribed by law. Higher education institutions are independent in terms of content and research and teaching methods, and their organizational order is regulated by law.

SZFE is an autonomous institution that creates and transmits the values ​​of culture through education, artistic activities and scientific research. The educational, artistic and research activities of the university are inseparable. Drawing on reinterpreted traditions and paying attention to social processes, it must keep up with changes in disciplines. It must be morally and spiritually independent of any political and economic influence. The freedom of education, art and research is a fundamental principle of the operation of the SZFE; this must be respected by the current maintainer and the university community.

Rejecting impatience, a university always open to dialogue is a privileged place for teachers and students to work together. It belongs to teachers who are able to transfer their knowledge and have all the necessary tools to further develop their knowledge; for eligible students, suitable and willing to enrich their knowledge.

As custodian of humanist traditions, SZFE, as a European and Hungarian university, constantly strives to enrich and share universal knowledge, ignores geographical or political boundaries to fulfill its mission, and emphasizes the imperative need for mutual knowledge and interaction of cultures.

It is an elementary right of every member of the university community to have the means and opportunities to preserve freedom of education, the arts and research.

The principle that artistic activity and scientific research are inseparable from education must be respected in the selection of teachers and in the definition of their rights and obligations.

The university must guarantee the freedom of the students and the conditions in which they can continue their studies successfully, acquire universal human values, faithful to their oath, in the service of the flourishing of Hungarian culture.

The university community undertakes to make all possible efforts so that the current maintainer (and the competent national and supranational organizations and institutions) develop and ensure the conditions for the operation of the SZFE in accordance with the principles and tools previously proclaimed. “

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Featured Image: Norbert Farkas /
