This is why French women are slim: 3 Fat Burning Foods and Drinks They Consume Often – Diet


French women remember grace, elegance, a slender and filigree room. In the world of baguettes and croissants, as well as good wines and cheeses, the question may arise, what makes them perfect?

Different habits and differences in attitudes are what help most French women to stay in good shape. As with fashion and clothing, they strive for quality nutrition.

Eat small portions

The French eat small portions. It’s not uncommon for groups of friends to serve up a six-course menu, although most of the plates are as small as if they were just the patinated restaurant. They eat three times a day, enjoying the flavors and textures. Each meal is a kind of ritual for them, they chew the food well, they allow time for the release of the hormone responsible for satiety, so a smaller amount is enough. Divine French croissants are also small, often whole grains, that make you saturated for a long time and don’t lower blood sugar levels.


They eat quality food

Instead of semi-finished or over-processed foods, which contain a lot of salt and additives, they mainly prefer quality ingredients, which provide the important nutrients that the body needs.

Bicycle instead of car

The French government’s goal is to get as many people as possible to ride bicycles, so half a million people have returned to the saddle with support for bicycle repairs. Also in the field, they only sit behind the wheel when they travel further. However, they do not like co-training, they prefer to do activities that make them happy, such as running, walking or swimming.

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They don’t sting

The French rarely snack while preparing their daily meals so as not to crave unhealthy snacks. Moderation is important to them too, they prefer to eat a delicious buttered croissant in the morning than to fill up on fattening delicacies throughout the day.

3 fat explosive foods and drinks you consume

Fresh fruits and vegetables

Their refrigerators are much smaller than ours, they only store enough food for a day or two and they buy fresh ingredients mainly from the local market. Vegetables and fruits rich in fiber and vitamins give a great boost to the diet, fiber saturates and ensures proper digestion, while vitamins contribute to the healthy functioning of the body. Nutritional supplements are not used as they believe that the body gets everything from fresh ingredients. They like green salads, which are mixed in an incredibly varied way, with pomegranates, duck meat, and seasonal vegetables.


Wine and coffee

Although they like to have crazy creamy coffee with the croissant for breakfast, they also drink pure black. Caffeine effectively stimulates the production of an enzyme called lipase, which is responsible for breaking down fats during digestion, as well as being a strong diuretic, making it easier for the body to eliminate waste and retained water. They are not allowed to order flavored or filtered coffee, or to consume whipped cream.


Dry red wine is consumed in moderation after a meal as a digestive stimulant. The antioxidant resveratrol can have positive effects, such as helping to prevent cardiovascular disease and having a positive effect on cholesterol levels. Its polyphenol content is an anti-viral and anti-bacterial antioxidant that protects the liver.

In addition, adequate hydration is important for them. However, it is not recommended to drink more than two liters of water a day, as it is believed that too much water can also dilate the stomach, giving the person a greater feeling of hunger.

Cheese and dairy

Natural yogurt, rich in protein, healthy bacteria and calcium, is very popular with them, as are cheeses, of which only a few cubes are eaten a day. Sugary and fruity yogurts are not widely consumed.

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Cover images and recommendation: Getty Images Hungary
