This is what you know about the Modern vaccine


Moderna’s mRNA-based vaccine has already been approved in Canada and the United States. On December 30, the scientific publication evaluating the triple clinical trial phase appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine, Virology Pécs collected on this basis what could be known about the vaccine.

Besides Pfizer and AstraZeneca, the Moderna vaccine is one of the main vaccines In 2021, it is planned to manufacture and ship 1 billion batches to many countries around the world. According to the EU agreement, it will certainly apply to Hungary as well.

The Moderna vaccine, like the Pfizer vaccine, is similar in technology and function to an mRNA vaccine that, when introduced with lipid nanoparticles, produces the viral spike protein with our cells, thus creating immunity. Lipid nanotechnology, which serves as a “package”, is somewhat more favorable in terms of storage here, so it can take place at -20 C for 6 months, the Pécs virologists write.

Results of the clinical trial phase

The study involved a total of 30,420 people, 14,550 of whom received a vaccine called mRNA-1273 and the other half received a placebo. People with chronic disease at high risk for COVID were also included in the study group. therefore, people with chronic lung disease, severe heart disease, severe obesity, diabetes, severe liver disease, and people infected with the HIV virus. For age groups, those over 18 and over 65 were also studied.

The vaccine is administered in two doses, 28 days apart. and based on the results of the clinical trial carried out, for the entire study population Provided 94% protection against COVID. It provided 100% protection against serious diseases. Initial protection was observed 14 days after the first dose.

Source: AFP / Joel Saget

Post-vaccination reactions?

In terms of response to vaccination, no serious side effects have been reported, and mild (injection site pain, redness, swelling) or moderate (headache, muscle aches, fever) side effects also resolved within 1-3 days. Compared to vaccination reactions against the chickenpox vaccine, the first dose is more favorable, while the second dose produced mild to moderate vaccination reactions with similar frequency, the entry notes.
