This is what awaits the Hungarian soccer team in the next two years


The next important stage is the draw for the European Qualification Zone for the Qatar World Cup 2022. This will take place on December 7 in Zurich, the program will start at 6 pm, the event will be broadcast on the M4. In the draw, the 55 participants will be divided into ten groups, forming groups of six six and five five. The four national teams that made it to the four finalists of the League of Nations, the Guards of France, Spain, Belgium and Italy, will no doubt be placed in groups of five and the “four finalists” of the League of Nations will play on the days of match.

The Hungarian national team can also be placed in groups of five and six. you will get an opponent of the sixth hat. The hats will be based on the latest FIFA world rankings, the new rankings may change based on current results, so it is not yet known who the band will surely avoid.

The World Cup qualifiers, unlike before, this time will not start in the autumn, but already in March 2021, in forced races. At the end of March, the teams will also play three matches (in groups of six, five by five, each pair will have a day off), followed by the next seven rounds in September-October-November, three match days in early September and two each in October and November.

The first place in the groups will advance to the Qatar World Championship 2022, the top ten and the top two national teams of the 2020 Nations League in the fall of 2020 will be included in the three-group playoffs, with one team from each group. For the World Cup, the groups play in the system in which the Hungarians now play with the Bulgarians, Icelanders and Romanians, forming a mini group.

Promotion can be worthwhile

Marco Rossi’s national team finishes 20th in the current Nations League series, which means he can be in the playoffs if he finishes second in the World Cup qualifiers or, if later, of the 19 teams ahead. more than two behind the first two places.

The big event of the summer will be the European Championship, in which the Hungarian team will surely play at least three games, in Group F it will play against the Portuguese on June 15, the French on June 19 in Budapest, and then finish against the Germans in Munich. , June 23.

At the moment, it is known from the 2022 program that UEFA plans to celebrate the next series of the League of Nations between June and September 2022, in which the Hungarian team will be in class A, the French, Belgian, Italian, Spanish , Portuguese, Dutch, Danish, German, English, Polish, Croatian, Welsh, Austrian, Czech and UEFA, according to the decision, probably in the company of the Swiss national team.

The teams will also wear hats during the draw, the Hungarian team is expected to be in the fourth hat (13-16), based on current position, in the company of the Czech, Austrian and Welsh Guards, so they will draw three opponents of the other twelve.

Entering Class A is also a great triumph because it is almost certain that he will have a place in the playoffs before the 2024 European Championship; of course we hope it is no longer needed …

The program for 2022 could still be the Qatar World Cup, which is a dream come true, but there is still a lot to do.

Opening photo: MTI / Illyés Tibor
