This is how the North Korean leader leads the spies with his devilish mystery.


North Korea and especially its leader, Kim Jongun, are constantly being watched from the ground and from outer space, but a man is a Pole on his feet who can discover anything about a dictatorship hidden in thick darkness, those whose daily work is scan the secrets of the regime.

Rachel Lee begins her day by turning on her computer and starting to read online editions of North Korean newspapers, watching television shows, scientific magazines, and obscure websites believed to have something to do with the Pyongyang dictatorship. Financial Times on the secret machinery of the regime following the Juci ideology. The expert has a very difficult task. You have to squeeze crumbs of substantive information from the sea of ​​propaganda halanja and slogan flood.

It is necessary to deduce the influence of the politicians who appear in the images of the meetings of the political committee, in the military parades, in the presidencies of the ceremonies and deliberations. Pay attention to who is one meter closer to Kim Jongun, the main leader of the system, and who is moving away from him. Much of the work of analysts working with North Korea is made up of this work by Sisyphean.

What do we know

Lee has worked as an expert for the US government. USA, research institutes and the press for 20 years, during which time he learned to be skeptical of any intelligence about the mysterious regime. The only sure point they can trust is that whoever is closest to the center, that is, Kim, is the most important person in the system than the one who is furthest away.

The most important issue at the moment is the health of the dictator. According to unconfirmed news, he underwent critical cardiac surgery, prompting speculation that he was no longer alive. Lee’s personal opinion is that Kim is alive, but what exactly her health problems are can only be guessed. The expert believes that no one knows, except his doctor, his wife and his most direct advisers. Not even the intelligence of the United States, or even China, which is close to the regime.

Caught conversations

Former CIA analyst Sue Mi Terry, now a scientific researcher who also briefed Republican George W. Bush and Democratic President Barack Obama on what happened in North Korea, sees the captured talks as the best source of news. However, even from these, it is a frustrating task to extract any real information, especially since the opponent is also not stupid working in the field of encryption. If they know they can be intercepted, they are deliberately feeding false information to the ears.

“Believe me, American intelligence doesn’t even know what’s really going on there,” Terry told reporters in the Financial Times. It is no coincidence that no one found out about the death of former leader Kim Dononil until 48 hours. The world only knew what the situation was when Pyongyang decided to make the news public. Terry says surveillance will also be conducted based on the highly recommended satellite and recruits. They control the exchange of information so strongly that they can only learn something from a person recruited at the highest level, that is, if they do not consciously integrate into the foreign intelligence system.


The systematic exchange of the party and the state apparatus in Pyongyang is another means of blocking key information. Junk Pak, another former CIA analyst, says he not only filters the information that is revealed, but also the information that passes through concentric circles around the top leader. Officials don’t talk to each other, Pak explains. Kim regularly expels hundreds of officials, keeping people on the move all the time. No one has time to build friendships, private networks. Mystery is one of the basic conditions for the survival of a system.

Kim Xongun held several summits with his South Korean, Chinese, and American counterparts, including non-public meetings with North Korean and international experts. However, its subjects are strictly economic or foreign policy, confidential information is not leaked to the people of the regime.

Now that the dictator is seriously ill, experts speculate, among other things, whether his sister, Kim Jojong, who has become increasingly close to her brother in recent years, could take care of his death. Pak only says about this: We don’t know what is happening because the regime does not want strangers to know anything. The most important objective of the regime’s leaders is to ensure that not even a slight chance of a coup arises, as that would lead to chaos that would lead to the collapse of the system.
