This is exactly how the coronavirus vaccination process works


Exactly how the coronavirus vaccine is administered has been revealed.

It has already received three health workers vaccination against coronavirus in Hungary – was said in M1. More workers are expected to be vaccinated in the next few hours.

The whole procedure takes half an hour, since the longest process is to observe the patient for 20 minutes after vaccination. Preparing the vaccine itself was a lengthy process, as unused vaccines are placed in a cabinet of minus 80 degrees, the M1 correspondent said. The ampoules that are used are not refrigerated for 30 minutes and saline is added. Then it is inverted ten times and 5 people are inoculated from a vial. The remaining vaccine can be stored for eight days. It is important that the remaining material no longer needs to cool down to minus 80 degrees.

Vaccination consultant Andrea Kulcsár with newly arrived Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines at South Pest Central HospitalSource: MTI / Koszticsák Solid

The entire vaccination phase consists of several phases, as it must be repeated after three weeks. Vaccination will even begin at Semmelweis University on Saturday and then at four rural institutions. Another shipment of vaccine will arrive this year and everyone can get the vaccine next spring, he said on M1.
