This has not happened among Hungarian eighth grade students for 15 years.


“We want young people to have deep, up-to-date and valuable knowledge in the labor market, that is why we are developing and renewing the professional training system. According to the application data, you can see that learning the profession has also become more popular among students, “said Tamás Schanda. The Vice Minister, Parliamentary and Strategic Secretary of State of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) also spoke about the fact that the coronavirus epidemic stands out: all measures must be taken to be at least as effective again as in the last decade.

This year, the popularity of vocational training has increased even more among applicants in eighth grade. 35.8 percent of the students were admitted to an elementary school, 42.1 percent to a technical school, 20.3 percent to a vocational school, and 1.4 percent to a vocational school. The technical training, which started in September, was chosen by almost 34,000 young people. Their participation of more than 42 percent means that a higher proportion of students continue their studies this year at a secondary vocational education institution offering both a profession and a baccalaureate than in any year in the previous decade and a half.

This shows that renewable vocational training under the supervision of the Ministry of Maintenance, the introduction of a five-year technical system, offers an attractive opportunity for students. The aim of strengthening vocational training is to ensure that trained young people with valuable knowledge succeed and have a place in the labor market.

In a system that will be better, more flexible, and more practical than the Austrian model, the salaries of 32,000 teachers working in vocational training will increase by an average of 30 percent from July this year. Starting the following academic year, based on their performance, students will also receive an additional allocation in the form of new scholarships, which can be replaced by a salary as they study.

The ITM has decided on significant facilitation for students who wish to continue their vocational studies in school-based technical courses beginning in September. The Ministry’s recent decision will allow those who do not want or cannot take the enrollment exam now due to the epidemic situation to join the two-year training of technicians preparing for the professional exam. Therefore, anyone who has completed the last year of high school can enroll in the two-year courses of the technical schools, so it is enough for the other students to obtain the baccalaureate later, at the latest until the professional exam . The relief also applies to vocational high school students who have one year remaining until the vocational exam.

The basic objective of the ministry is to remove all young Hungarians from the school system armed with skills and competencies adapted to the needs of companies.

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