This Christmas may be different, but it still makes it real


Anikó Lévai joined the Hungarian Ecumenical Relief Organization in 1998. According to him, charitable work had to be learned at home after 1989. For the past 30 years, work has become a profession and they have learned a lot from foreign sister organizations.

Charitable work requires thoughtful, serious planning and execution tailored to the circumstances of the current aid activity, which is concluded with accurate and transparent accounting. He said in the interview. He added that thanks to pioneering work, people trust aid organizations more and more. In recent years, in times of disaster, I have experienced much greater cooperation, with NGOs working together effectively on problems, sharing responsibilities with each other.

He said that never in many years had he thought it could be otherwise, he felt useful and the work would be plentiful for a long time.

Anikó Lévai, goodwill ambassador, lights the first candle of the Advent wreathSource: Hungarian Ecumenical Relief Organization

Heartwarming things also happen during volunteer work, and Anikó Lévai also recalled a kind and heartwarming story. In Sandzak province, after the war, a sheep farm was destroyed. They wanted to help a town where practically no one had a job. They wanted to buy sheep from them, but the young people told them to buy computers instead.

We bought both, and when we returned a year later, we saw that the sheep were breeding, and the young were giving and buying the merchandise in the wool bag through the net. It is an old story about fish and nets. Anikó Lévai remembered.

And a Transylvanian village was hit by a flood, and local leaders advised them to buy smaller animals, such as poultry, for those in need. The reason for this was that if there is a chicken, then the people who live there have to do with it, so that they are not overwhelmed by depression, they can overcome the tragedy.

The Ecumenical Relief Organization has had to deal with various difficulties over the years, now the coronavirus epidemic gives them a task. According to Anikó Lévai, deprivation has many faces, but the task is always the same.

“The motto of our call is, ‘FOOD for the hungry, HOME for the homeless, OPPORTUNITY for the disadvantaged!’ This shows that the December collaboration is not just about giving away or embellishing the holidays, ”explains Anikó Lévai.

They have been working for years to provide a breaking point from poverty to those in need.

According to him, aid, which is essential, is also a trap because it keeps people in poverty.

“We must not lose hope, we must constantly work to put more and more working methods in order to Being able to develop models of aid programs that do not keep those in need in poverty, but help them, or at least their children, to get ahead and prosper on their own. ” He explained in the interview.

His work is now hampered by the epidemic, such as food distribution, but he doesn’t change the point. You should not try to help on the surface, but change the structure in small steps.

Feeding others is love too

Anikó Lévai, a member of the editorial board of Hungarian Kitchen magazine, also published his own cookbook. According to him, cooking is always good for others, spouses, children, grandchildren, friends. She often goes to a meeting with him and then finds himself in his kitchen with some food.

They speak five languages ​​of love, I think we can safely consider feeding others as the sixth thing for the Hungarian people. For me, too, the landscape of my heart warms as more people eat at our table. – He says.

He adds that eating plays an important role in Hungarian society, both for the poor and the rich, and especially during the holidays. According to him, Hungarian women also acquire the recovery that characterizes them. While organizing their meals, they get the ingredients, they pay attention to who likes what and what they are sensitive to. Then they prepare the food, the catering and use the leftovers. What is certainly common to all families is that they do not regret the energy for all this.

Christmas is always the same

The Goodwill Ambassador of the Ecumenical Relief Organization said that despite the epidemic, Christmas will be the same as always.

“In war and peace, in health and epidemic, as children and adults, at home and in the distance, with good and bad fortune, we always celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus, the Savior.” He explains, then adds that in such cases the hope always arises that light will come to darkness, life will conquer death. Everything else is incidental. We may be living in times when we need more hope than ever.

We are in a difficult year, we had to rethink our personal freedom, we had to put the interests of the community before our own, and almost all loved ones died. At the same time, life has flourished as more children have been born.

“Maybe this Christmas will be different, maybe calmer. It will make it even more real! May God give us the essence of the holiday even more with modesty, with simplicity!” – added Aniko Lévai.
