Thin wages raised for trustees during law


Gergely Karcsony, using the authority of the special legal order, decides on the significant payment of the leaders of the companies of the capital, the Hungarian Nation.

The mayor of Prbeszd, on the basis of the law, granted the possibility of a 40-year management premium, which he abandoned strict British politics at the time of the mayor of Istvn Tarls.– The page came out. Also referring to the Covid-19 virus, Karcsony increases the number of the mayor’s office, including the office worker, which can be a source of serious oppression.

The ease of the company’s economic impact makes the compensation system more important, as the key to the company’s ability to adapt to the economic downturn is the key to the effective management of the company’s core tasks. dntsben.

Gergely Karcsony in Vroshzn, November 2019Fot: Hirling Blint – Origo

The mayor of the opposition, acting on the basis of a special legal order ordered by the special legal order for the termination of the coronary law, gave effect to the various stricter policy guidelines adopted by Mayor István Tarls on October 27, 2010. Under the new system, the earnings of company managers can be determined between 60 and 80 percent of the number of directors of similar companies.

Belonging to the Balliberlis Moon Yard, leaders appointed after the government elections on October 13 of last year may be reluctant to do so, as it may be easy to double, and even more so, revenues may be better. If the first person in MV has the benchmark of 5 millis per month based on last year’s data, then Some managers in Budapest may receive a monthly payment of up to four million,Despite the fact that Gergely Karcsony emphasizes all frums, the fvros led by him is in a financial situation. With the decision signaled by the mayor, the BKK leader’s pay introducing dangerous hours can also increase.

Karcsony also decided in one person to increase the company’s designated performance from the previous 15 units to 40 units. In February 2014, the head of the Fvros government press and the Fides-KDNP branch of Fvros Kzgyls decided to significantly reduce premiums, and the issuance of this was not automatic at the time of István Tarls. According to the current decision, the additional income of 40 employees will be at the expense of non-detailed and designated premium tasks.

There is also a cynical part of the decision approved by Gergely Karcsony, according to which “the head of the economic association under the majority influence of the Budapest government Fvros cannot be rewarded”, but with the current decision “the fulfillment of the business plan it’s more than a premium chore. Staff can be up to 15 “.

Although Gergely Karcsony did not always make it to Pest ye’s home, which was severely damaged by the coronary law of the city government, it was time to increase the number of mayor offices by 43 people, referring to additional communication and coordination tasks.

The office’s number is based, among other things, that “counteracting the expected deficit in industrial revenues also makes it necessary to strengthen the administrative capacity of the administration.” The reduction of the general reserve will cost about 226 million HUF this year alone.
