They testify about rising prices, exports and the state of the industry this week


On Wednesday, the Central Statistical Office (CSO) will publish February traffic data for commercial accommodation establishments. In January, the number of guest nights in lodging establishments decreased by 89.8% year-on-year as a result of entry restrictions and disease control measures. Total gross income from sales of commercial accommodation establishments, calculated at current prices, was 90.8% lower than in January last year, falling to HUF 3.16 billion.

On Thursday, the CSO will release the first estimate of industrial production in February. In January, the volume of industrial production was 6.7 percent lower than a year earlier, adjusted for the effect of working days, production fell 2.8 percent after having two fewer working days in January this year . Industrial production adjusted seasonally and by business days increased 0.2 percent from the previous month, 57 percent more than its low in April last year.

The CSO will also release its first foreign trade billing estimate in February on Thursday. In January, the value of exports in euros fell by 5.2% and imports by 10.5% year-on-year. Adjusted for the calendar effect, the volume of exports increased by 1.5 percent and that of imports by 2.4 percent. Compared with December, the volume of exports adjusted seasonally and by working days increased by 3.0 percent, while that of imports decreased by 1.8 percent. Goods export surplus increased by € 443 million to € 855 million compared to January last year.

On Friday, the CSO will publish how consumer prices developed in March – that is, how much has been converted to inflation. In February, consumer prices were 3.1 percent higher than the previous year and 0.7 percent higher than the previous month. In February, food prices increased more than average, prices increased 3.4%, tobacco prices 16.5% and fuel prices increased 4.6% year-on-year. Inflation in consumer durables jumped from 3.1 percent in January to 3.8 percent. Core inflation in February was 4.1 percent, 0.1 percentage points less than in January.

The CSO will also release data on retail sales in February on Friday. In January, seasonal and calendar adjusted retail sales volume increased 0.5 percent month-on-month. Compared to a year earlier, retail sales fell 2.6 percent, a calendar-adjusted 1.8 percent, according to raw data. In January, the net sales volume of calendar effects decreased by 1.5% in the food and mixed products retail stores, while in the non-food retail trade it decreased by 2.2% and in the fuel retail trade it decreased by 2.2%. 8.5% compared to January last year.

A brief summary of the Ministry of Finance on the state of public finances will be published on Friday at the end of March. The central subsystem of public administrations, excluding local governments, closed the first two months of the year with a deficit of HUF 539.7 billion, which represents 36.2% of the forecast deficit of HUF 1,491.2 billion for the entire anus. At the end of February, this year’s revenue was HUF 3908.8 billion, which is equivalent to HUF 348.1 billion or 9.8% more than the previous year. Expenses amounted to HUF 4,448,500 million, an increase of HUF 633,200 million or 16.6%.
