They sent the patients home because they didn’t have a coronavirus test, which Emmi said is state-funded.


As repeatedly reported, healthcare facilities can now re-treat non-emergencies, but some of the tests and interventions will be related to a negative coronavirus test.

According to RTL Klub Híradó, long queues developed in front of specialized clinics across the country on Monday, but there were many who were sent home in the absence of proof.

Emmi told RTL Klub and ATV Híradó that the test, if needed for a publicly funded service, will be funded by the Health Insurance Fund, which means the patient will not have to pay and the ambulance will have to take the sample.

However, institutions did not appear to have been informed of this on Monday, for example, a man at the RTL Club was told that he was sent carelessly because he did not bring a negative finding of coronavirus with him, but was unable to tell him where and how. take the test.

“I ask: where do I get the negative finding? I can’t even go to any hospital we’re talking about then. They have no idea where to go, ”he said indignantly.

Emmi has now also stated that prior to dental treatments, each dentist must complete a questionnaire with the patient, and if the patient is not suspected of a coronavirus, a PCR test is not required.

Image: AFP
