They said goodbye to Géza Szőcs


His family, colleagues and admirers received the last goodbye from the award-winning Hungarian poet Kossuth Géza Szőcs, Hungarian poet from Transylvania, former Secretary of State for Culture and chief cultural adviser to Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, at the Piliscsaba Cemetery on Saturday.

Farewell on behalf of the young poets, the poet Tamás Korpa, critic, editor, highlighted that Géza Szőcs was an exceptionally talented poet who preserved and enriched his talents throughout his life, then turned them into a public treasure in a crowd of books of poetry of great impact.

He recalled that the first volumes of Géza Szőcs represented a real paradigm shift in Hungarian poetry in Romania, inspiring the younger and older generations beyond national borders, poetry schools and workshops.

János Dénes Orbán, poet, prose writer and literary organizer, recalled the role of Géza Szőcs in researching and supporting talent and the beginning of the Forward Garrison literary movement. He highlighted: Géza Szőcs’s greatest teaching was to be careful with everything normal.

The most important thing is to be exciting, interesting, special, not perfect. Perfection is the dream of the average, they are the ones trying to counter the lack of sparkling ideas with elaborate details.

Géza Szőcs cited.

He set the example himself: his poems were written in the strangest situations and most of the time in minutes.”János Dénes Orbán pointed out, adding that we didn’t have a more busy, crowded and complicated compatriot.

On behalf of the family, he recalled the daughter of the poet Petra Szőcs, director, screenwriter and Géza Szzacs. He said that his father was Hungarian, that he was universal, that he helped many people and that he was tolerant of his opponents.

The funeral of the poet and writer Géza Szőcs, who died at the age of 68, at the Piliscsaba cemetery on November 14, 2020. Géza Szőcs, Hungarian poet from Transylvania, Kossuth Prize winner, writer, journalist, chief cultural advisor of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, former Secretary of State for Culture, died on November 5 in Budapest (Photo: National Photo Gallery / Szilárd Koszticsák)

It was a premature departure. Do what you want, wherever you want to be, even in multiple places. And stay with us as long as you can”Petra Szőcs said.

Géza Szőcs, Kossuth and József Attila, award-winning writer, poet and journalist, died on 5 November in Budapest.

Viktor Orbán: Géza Szőcs taught that power should be used for the greatest things

Géza Szőcs taught that power should be used to achieve the best things with him, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in Piliscsaba on Saturday.

In the Prime Minister’s farewell speech, Géza Szőcs was more than a friend, a contemporary poet, a politician, a consultant, his mentor ”.strategist, ”It was a spiritual support.

Not only is our past common, but we have planned the future together.“I came up with a bag of ideas for each discussion

– Viktor Orbán said, saying: he did not give in since ’48, ’56 or ’89, but “he did not give in from 2148, 2256 and 2389, he accepted nothing had been that Hungary and the Hungarian nation not only were, but they will be .

What seemed to us an adventurer or a fantasy was in his head and heart the future of the nation itself. (…) Despite its robust construction, it seemed quite light, the ground and gravity did not knock it down, it did not walk, it almost floated, he added.

If it is true that the Hungarians “ make more history than they can consumeSo Géza Szőcs was Hungarian to the brim, because he had more ideas than politics could handle, more words than his poetry needed, and more stories than would fit in textbooks, Viktor Orbán said.

He noticed

Géza Szőcs opposed the Romanian and Hungarian communists and, in times of confusing transition, tried to steer himself as a quiet but serious poet.

The Prime Minister also recalled that in 2010, in his first two-thirds electoral victory, Géza Szőcs eagerly called for a Christian national constitution.

We just guessed it, but he saw the storms that awaited us, and he knew that we could only endure it if we built the house on a rock, ”he said.

Four years later, in the next two-thirds, he said, the time had come to rise to the government program: we Hungarians could not run, putting the issue of population at the center of the philosophy of government, recalled Viktor Orbán.

He also recalled from the poet’s work that in 1995 he urged Hungarians to return to the family model with several children, otherwise they would be forced to call in the settlers. He also suggested that all Hungarians in the world be investigated, and even if we don’t have enough, we should look for those who are most like us.

If I imagine myself here now, I see a modern Julian friend who is beginning to find what is lost.

Said the Prime Minister.

Finally, in 2018, he continued, in the third two-thirds win, Géza Szőcs pledged to “follow in the footsteps of the Hungarian genius”, Collects Hungarian inventions and visions and puts Hungarian geniuses at the service of the homeland; “this work was interrupted by his death, and he let us continue”.

He also cited the political creed of his chief cultural advisor,

according to which the Hungarian nation fulfills a historical mission deeply linked to culture.

I wanted a knowledge center to be built at this crossroads, at this well-known meeting point of East and West, South and North. He believed that Hungary would be one of the most educated nations in Europe, the prime minister said.

Viktor Orbán described the career and life of Géza Szcs as enviable, adding: “and the only thing left for us is not to forget a single word.”

God be with you, our dear friend Géza”!

