They don’t want orbinization, that’s why the Slovenian Minister of Health resigned


As we wrote, the Slovenian health minister resigned on Friday, but Tomaz Gantar his departure could not be explained by catastrophic deaths, but by the fact that his party, DeSUS, withdrew its support for the right-wing government and did not want “orbanization.”

Gantar is a prominent politician from a retired party called DeSUS, who has long debated the right-wing leader SDS, Janez Janša (Viktor Orban Federation of Slovenia). Gantar has been in controversy over the epidemic with another ruling party, the SMC, and its leader, Zdravko Pocivalsek also with the Minister of Economy.

The SDS, led by SMC and Jansa, has only moderately applied restrictive measures in Slovenia in view of the viability of the farm, so the epidemic is breaking records. In our neighbor to the southwest, the coronavirus death rate per million is the fifth highest in the world, according to the Worldometer on Friday afternoon.

The right-wing cabinet led by Jansa will not lose its majority for the moment. He was recently elected Director of DeSUS Karl Erjavec since in vain he expels his party from the coalition, the parliamentarians of the retired party did not withdraw their support for Jansa’s cabinet. The coalition’s fourth party, Christian Democrat NSi, says the cabinet has 47 votes in the 90-member legislature.

The party chairman, Erjavec, justified DeSUS’s withdrawal from the coalition on the grounds that the withdrawn party did not want Slovenian organization, did not want an autocratic system. Erjavec also discussed on Friday with the SMC and its leader, the Pocivals, but the latter announced that they would not leave the government there. If Erjavec succeeded in persuading the SMC to resign, he could, after his negotiations in recent days, be the joint prime minister candidate of the Baliberal opposition, DeSUS and SMC by filing a motion of no confidence, and even an early election is not ruled out. in Slovakia. .
