They ask for an emergency again


To curb the spread of the coronavirus epidemic, the Spanish government decided once again on Sunday to order an emergency, providing a legal framework to introduce a night curfew.

We live in an emergency situation (…) We have reordered an emergency because it is the most effective tool to control infections and stop the virus.

– said the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, at a press conference in Madrid after the extraordinary government meeting.

He added that 11 of the country’s 17 provinces and two North African enclaves have requested the government for the measure in recent days.

A national emergency due to the epidemic was last introduced in mid-March, extended by the Spanish parliament six times in total and maintained until June 21.

Although the spring measure was accompanied by a ban on leaving the house, now only night outings are restricted, generally from 11pm to 6am, the start and end of which can be modified by the provinces at their discretion in more or less an hour.

The only exception is the Canary Islands, where there are no restrictions due to favorable epidemiological data. Several European countries, such as Great Britain, Germany and Sweden, have just lifted the quarantine obligation for those who come from the Spanish islands.

Pedro Sánchez, citing experts in epidemiology, said that the second wave of the epidemic is very different from the first, with fewer deaths, a lower average age of those infected and less pressure on medical care, so now another type is needed. of measurements.

According to the Spanish authorities, it is illegal parties in the street and at home that are causing the most problems.

For example, according to data from the Madrid City Police, they had to act in more than 300 concentrations last weekend.

The prime minister said that more than six people cannot meet anywhere unless they are family members living together. The rule, which is now becoming national, has previously been introduced by several provinces.

The provinces themselves can decide other epidemiological prohibitions, such as territorial restrictions on free movement.

The government will approve and present to parliament next week its proposal to maintain the state of emergency now ordered until May 9 of next year. Epidemiologists say it takes a long time to overcome not only the second wave, but the most damaging period of the epidemic, Pedro Sánchez said.

He added that the Minister of Health will report every two weeks to the competent committee of Parliament on the epidemiological situation.

More than a million people have registered in Spain since the appearance of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes the Covid-19 disease, but the government says the actual number of cases could be three times higher. In the country of 47 million, 361 out of an average 100,000 people are currently infected, but the goal is to reduce that number to less than 25.
