These are now the largest cities in the world.


Defining the largest cities in the world is not that simple, as many cities are constantly growing and the fact that a city is also populated does not necessarily mean that it is also the largest. Thus, despite the fact that Tokyo-Yokohama has 38 million inhabitants, the first place in the ranking is not occupied by this municipality. But then which one? Origo presents the largest cities in the world in territorial order.

Perhaps it is worth defining exactly what the term “big city” means in order to align large settlements. According to a commonly used technical term, a large city is an area consisting of a densely populated urban core and its surrounding less populated areas, often sharing industry, infrastructure, and housing between the center and its surroundings. In today’s world, with changing social, economic and political institutions, metropolitan areas have become key economic and political regions.

The main source for the ranking is the publication Demographia, which produces its annual report on urban areas, which contains a large number of demographic statistics on many of the world’s major cities. In addition to indicating the population of the different settlements, it highlights the cities with the largest territorial extension.

Clicking on the image will open a gallery where you can see the 10 largest cities in the world!

Click on the image to open the gallery!Source: AFP / Daniel Slim
