There will be many more ticks than usual this year


Because the winter was relatively mild, there was very little frost in a very few days, so not only were most of the ticks able to overwinter, but the rodent population was also higher, so there would be more food sources for tick larvae. As a result, more intense tick activity is expected this year, he explained to InfoRádió. Gábor Földvári, Principal Investigator of the Center for Ecological Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

According to Gábor Földvári, “The protection of pets is necessary throughout the year, but aerosols that are kept away do not provide a person 100 percent protection. It is more effective to examine ourselves thoroughly after taking a walk or gardening. If the tick is removed that day, there is no chance for the pathogen to enter. If this only happens the next day, be aware of the location of the bite. Lyme disease should not yet be considered for a 1 to 2 centimeter red lesion, but if it is larger than 4 to 5 centimeters, it is growing and migrating, you should definitely see a doctor. “

Although the tick attacks more in the spring and fall, but since most people visit the forest in the summer, the bloodsucker is the one that causes the most diseases.
