There will be a state of emergency in the Czech Republic from Monday the 24th.


In the Czech Republic, the thirty-day state of emergency will enter into force on Monday, as decided by the government on Wednesday afternoon. According to the CTK news agency Roman primrose The proposal of the Minister of Health was voted unanimously by the Cabinet.

In the morning debate in the House of Representatives, the Minister justified the introduction of the state of emergency on the grounds that only then could central measures be introduced quickly and effectively to prevent further spread of the epidemic.

“Without the introduction of the state of emergency, the number of patients could increase so much by the end of October that it would jeopardize the capacity of health care institutions, especially hospitals,” said Prymula.

The opposition opposed the introduction of a state of emergency during the parliamentary debate and criticized the government’s actions.

Due to the coronavirus epidemic, there was an emergency in the Czech Republic from March 12 to May 17 in the spring.

In addition to the introduction of the state of emergency, additional precautionary measures will be implemented in the Czech Republic on Monday. In the most vulnerable regions, secondary schools will be closed for two weeks and will switch to distance education. Sporting events can now only be held without spectators. Economic life is not limited by new precautions.

Czech hospitals currently treat 976 patients, 173 of whom are in the intensive care unit, with 111 people hooked up to a ventilator.

Roman Prymula also said in parliament that the capacity of hospitals is greatly affected by the relatively high level of illness of medical personnel and the quarantine that affects them.

“Without declaring a state of emergency, it is impossible to order preparation in hospitals or make it mandatory to provide assistance to hospitals,” said the minister. According to press reports, around 1,700 health workers, including about 500 doctors, tested positive. The number of health professionals in quarantine is in the thousands.

According to the minister, the objective is to reduce the spread of the epidemic from the current 1.2 to 0.8-0.9, which would be a positive trend. This indicator means how many people are infected by an infected person. If the indicator is below one, the number of infected people begins to decrease. Under current rules, the Czech government has the power to declare a state of emergency for thirty days, but its decision is approved or reversed by the lower house of parliament. The possible extension of the state of emergency must already be decided by the House of Representatives.

MTI, image: AFP
