There will be a parade of stars under the window of László Palkovics on Monday morning


The student government of the University of Theater and Film Arts is tired of the fact that the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, holder of the foundational rights of the foundation that maintains the institution, has not responded to their demands for a month and a half.

“That is why on Monday morning, at the beginning of the working day, we want to show how many people are in favor of autonomous higher education. Let’s meet in the building on ITM Szemere Street, where the greats of the profession will read aloud the many, many letters of support we have received from you! That is why we want to thank them for the many stands they have made for us ”, reads the Facebook publication announcing the event.

Readers will include:
Ildikó Bánsági
Eszter Nagy-Kálózy
Judit Hernádi
Zoltán Nagy
Gábor Reisz
Agi Szirtes
Áron Molnár
Béla Pintér
Básti Juli
Judit Pogány
Rába Roland
Szilágyi Csenge
Csaba Polgár
Judit Halász
Szabó Győző
Eszter Bánfalvi
Adél Kováts
Adele Jordan
Kriszta Székely
Elek Ferenc
Rujder Vivienn
Réka Pelsőczy
Róbert Alföldi
Kati Lazár
Eszter Csákányi
Eszter Onodi
Little Hajni
András Ötvös
Tamás Ascher
György Pálfi
Szabolcs Thúróczy
Pál Mácsai
Zoltán Mucsi

The organizers ask that everyone wear a mask, subject to compliance with epidemiological regulations.

Featured image: János Marjai /
