There was a notable earthquake in Hungary


Early Tuesday afternoon, there was a minor earthquake in Hungary, which may have been a consequence of the morning earthquake in Croatia. The earthquake was felt in several districts of Budapest: in Józsefváros the chandeliers moved, in Erzsébetváros the water stirred in the glasses, in Ferencváros the top of the Christmas tree swayed between 6 and 8 centimeters. The mild shaking lasted 15 to 20 seconds.

Our readers indicated from the southern and western counties of the country that the earth was shaking there too. Balatonszemes, Szombathely, Kaposvár, Pécs, Baja and Zalaszentlászló also indicated that they felt the tremor.

The wheelchair moved under me, the lights and window decorations lit up. We didn’t hear a creak so the house could probably handle it.

– written by Andrew About your problem.

In Croatia, a 6.3 magnitude earthquake was measured after 11 pm On Monday, there was a slightly weaker 5.4 earthquake in our southern neighbor, which could also be felt in Hungary.

In Zagreb, the replicas of the March earthquake clock are continuous. Experts recorded around two thousand aftershocks, a quarter of which were palpable. To this day, six thousand buildings are not safe, including several kindergartens, elementary schools, secondary schools, universities, and cultural and scientific institutes.
