There may have been 1.8 million coronaviruses in Germany


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Nearly two million were able to detect the new type of coronavirus in Germany, according to a calculation released Monday.

According to research jointly organized by the Institute of Virology and the Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Pharmacology of the University Clinic of Bonn, approximately 1.8 million people, 2.1% of the population of 83 million countries, could be infected with the new virus in early May.

Researchers in Bonn studied the spread and effects of the virus at the first local center of the epidemic, the Gangelt in Heinsberg, also known as Wuhan, Germany, which involved 919 people from 405 households. According to his calculations, 15 percent of the settlement’s population could have been infected after the virus began to spread unnoticed in mid-February at an indoor carnival ceremony attended by more than 300 people. The infection caused death in 0.37 percent of cases.

The estimate at the national level is based on Gangelt’s experience. According to Bonn experts’ estimates and data from the Robert Koch National Institute of Public Health (RKI), the difference between the number of people actually infected and those confirmed as infected could be approximately ten times.

Gangelti’s research has shown, among others, that 22 percent of those infected have no symptoms. These scientific data underscore the importance of infectious hygiene and social restriction rules. “Anyone who considers themselves healthy can carry the virus. We must be aware of this and shape our behavior accordingly,” said Marin Exner, director of the Institute of Hygiene and Public Health at the University Clinic, according to a statement from the University from Bonn.

It has also been shown that there are no significant differences in the risk of infection between age groups, since children who carry the virus are as infectious as adults. However, the probability that the virus will spread within a home is surprisingly low.

In Gangelt, those who attended the February carnival celebration showed a higher proportion of symptoms of the disease caused by the virus than others. Therefore, more research is planned to map whether prolonged physical proximity indoors and the formation of strong drops through vocal speech and singing may have contributed to the more serious illness, according to the communication.

According to RKI data on Monday, the epidemic situation in Germany is improving for the moment, the virus is becoming more repressed, its so-called reproduction rate (R0) is 0.74, which means that every 100 infected people They only transmit it to 74 people on average.
The new type of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has been detected in 163,175 people across the country, 679 more cases than the day before. Thus, the number of new confirmed infections per day has dropped to its lowest level since early March.

In the disease caused by the virus (Covid-19), 6692 confirmed the death of infected people, 43 more than the day before. The number of new deaths per day also dropped to several weekly lows.

The statement is likely inaccurate because the RKI can only track the number of confirmed infections and deaths based on data officially transmitted from the provinces, and not all data comes from everywhere on weekends and holidays. However, the number of new cases and deaths has also decreased significantly compared to the previous week, an equally inaccurate figure.

The estimated number of confirmed infected people who have already been infected has been 132,700, which is 2,200 more than on Sundays. This number can only be estimated because only the fact of the appearance of the virus must be officially registered and it is not necessary to report it separately if someone no longer carries the pathogen. (MTI)

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