There may be a lot of dirt in Budapest on Tuesday


On Tuesday, Zsolt Wintermantel, a member of the board of the Budapest Transport Center (BKK) delegated by Fidesz, warned the mayor of the Budapest Transport Center (BKK) of a large demonstration.

A press politician at the press conference said: Gergely Karcsony’s announcement took at least two weeks, and it only shows that the human crisis that started a few days ago will continue.

“A typical Gergelyes Karcsony sub-solution is established,” he said, then said, “There is no such thing as restoring public transportation on one section of the road, in which case parking is eliminated and not the other.”

Biciklisv in NagykrtonFooter: Csudai Sndor – Origo

According to the Fidesz politician the leader of the fvros finds himself in a situation caused by the cheese itself, and that it is not supported by public opinion research commissioned by them.

Zsolt Wintermantel said he was confident that the people of Budapest would travel responsibly, paying close attention to each other, but “let’s not think that the situation will ever happen.”

At the event, political analysts called into question Gergely Karcsony’s current decision to allow the Democratic Coalition to blackmail politicians, or listen to the best-intentioned proposals from Baljes Frjes and Fidesz.

Zsolt Wintermantel, in connection with the good order of traffic, urged Go back to the planning and negotiation table and think together about Budapest transport.According to his proposal, the Budapest Mobility Plan should revert to the Budapest Mobility Plan, which was previously endorsed, determined and clearly endorsed by the Fvrosi General Assembly. This can only be achieved in a timely manner, according to the rules of the profession, and not ad hoc, with a quick gesture, he said, adding that the fiasco could have been avoided if the mayor had listened to Fidesz and the profession suggestions.

According to the mayor’s announcement, a compromise solution has been found in the Great Traffic Code. Between Blaha Lujza tr and Petfi hd, public transport will be completely free, roundabouts will be formed from the parking lots of the section. For the rest of the section, the two-way vehicle will be kept, because it is not possible to form the two-wheeler and the bicycle wheel together.
