There is the first victim of the epidemic who died of coronavirus after reinfecting


A Dutch woman is the first victim of the Covid-19 epidemic in the world to be shown to be reinfected with the virus, writes Metro.

According to the article, the 89-year-old patient died three weeks after being infected a second time.

He received chemotherapy before his death because he suffered from a rare cancer called Waldenström’s macroglobilinemia.

The woman had to be transferred to an intensive care unit at the beginning of the year because she had a high fever and was coughing a lot. He then tested positive for his coronavirus, but was released from the hospital five days later because his condition improved.

He was left with only chronic fatigue as a symptom, but two months later he was able to continue chemotherapy at the discretion of the doctors.

Two days after resuming healing, she had a fever again and was having trouble breathing. They retested him for coronavirus, which came back positive.

On the eighth day, his condition began to deteriorate rapidly and he died two weeks later.

In relation to a case reported by researchers at the University of Oxford, the scientists pointed out that the second infection was already more serious than the first.

So far no case has been known in which someone died of the disease after reinfection.

Featured image: Michal Cizek / AFP
