There is NO phenomenon more masculine than Péter Szijjártó without a mask


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

I’m interested

I saw two really masculine men in the first days of September in Hungary. One was walking a bull terrier next to a playground on the banks of the Danube that did not listen to any of his instructions, but did not have a leash. The other was Péter Szijjártó, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, who delivered the section of the M4 motorway between Berettyóújfalu and Nagykereki and the Nagykereki in the company of Lucian Nicolae Bode, Romanian Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communications, and Bogdan Lucian Aurescu, Chancellor Romanian. Highway border crossing on the border of Nagykereki:

Photo: Zsolt Czeglédi / MTI / MTVA

Complex soul dogs and their scattered owners are also interesting, but now we will talk more about Péter Szijjártó and his politicians. However, Szijjártó is also worth mentioning, since his summer was also very masculine, since he knew how to work against us, germ with small stupid children, from the deck of a huge ship, and then fly everywhere by helicopter. Even within a government struggling with severe mask-wearing challenges, Szijjártó played the biggest role, becoming a symbol of mental entanglement in the global pandemic, publicly presenting an operational mask worn under the nose:

Photo: Giuseppe Lami / MTI / MTVA

Disguised as envy with mockery, we can laugh bravely at Péter Szijjártó, but let us not be unfair to him. You can do as much with the mask that you wore incorrectly or nothing at all as with the tens of thousands of fans that you bought at the price of gold. In the case of Péter Szijjártó, in contrast to the fighting dog that spectacularly salivates looking at the pink-fleshed infants in an alamus, we can never, against any will, act against the will of its owner.

Since the beginning of the epidemic, it has been interesting to note that there are educated people in world politics who care about the health of their fellow men, from Merkel to Macron to Xin Qing, who are willing to put on a mask at any time. And there is the other group, made up entirely of alpha males, mnt Jair Bolsonaro, “dr”. György Gődény, Donald Trump and Viktor Orbán, who are actually only willing to hide a piece of their male face if they are required to do so by law or some other special power.

Abroad, these men are also willing to wear a mask. Whether in Abu Dhabi or China, Peter Szijjártó always wears it together with the Emporio Armani jersey, which conforms to his body, as it would fit a civilized adult man. At home, however, as in the case of completely different statements in Brussels and Budapest, the pace is completely different. Whether indoors or outdoors, he is a truly masculine politician who, following Viktor Orbán’s example, walks his naked figure everywhere. It is interesting, by the way, that the few women who have reached a height do not accelerate this rate, for example Katalin Novák, Secretary of State for Family and Youth, is willing to put on a mask that strangles the male face as a hugger.

This unbridled masculinity would be less offensive to us beta-cucks if it weren’t against common sense and the recommendations of all health professionals. In its daily report, the website ​​always draws attention to the importance of wearing a mask, this is recommended by all international organizations and authorities, and even my own GP. Today, a person concerned for herself and her community wears a mask in all parts of Hungary where there is a risk of infection. But whoever is a real man does not exist.

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