There are new suspects in the bribery case, in which Boldog István is also a suspect


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There are already 11 suspects in the official bribery case, which is also suspected by the representative of Fidesz, István Boldog, and his right hand, Petra Fehér, representative of the local government of Törökszentmiklós, writes Magyar Hang. Four of the 11 suspects have held some type of elective office.

As we wrote above, the Central Investigation Prosecutor’s Office is investigating because there is a suspicion that the applications of the EU Operational Program for Regional Development and Settlements (TOP) were illegally influenced in the István Boldog Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county constituency , and some of the money was recovered from the winners. . In this case, Petra Fehér, known as the former right-hand man of István Boldog, was appointed in December 2019 and her name was also on the national list of Fidesz-KDNP in 2018, and previously she was Vice President of the Jász County Assembly -Nagykun-Szolnok. And in May this year, István Boldog was also questioned as a suspect in the bribery case.

Magyar Hang also writes that Petra Fehér resigned from her local government mandate only on November 18, a few days before it expired.White has not appeared at a representative body meeting since November last year, so his term would have expired under the Local Government Act. For some time after December last year, there was a reason why he did not attend the meetings because he was in pre-trial detention. He hasn’t been under criminal supervision since the summer, but he hasn’t appeared on the board once since.

In the meantime, however, he was entitled to the honoraria even after being a member of the municipal representatives and the county assembly. The newspaper wanted to know if it had collected its fees in the member’s absence, but received no response.

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