There are more than 5,000 new patients in a single day in the Czech Republic, with new restrictions on the way


The situation of the coronavirus epidemic in the Czech Republic is worsening, so further adjustments will be made in public life, culture, sports and education from Monday, Health Minister Roman Prymula announced after the extraordinary meeting of the Czech government in Prague on Thursday. On Wednesday, 5,338 new cases were reported in the Czech Republic.

From Monday to two weeks, among other things, the cultural and sports life of the entire Czech Republic will be closed, theaters and cinemas will be closed, but also zoos, leisure centers and spas. Professional soccer and hockey leagues, as well as other national leagues, also pause. The only exceptions are previously scheduled international matches, the minister said.

Restaurants must close by 8 pm on Fridays at the latest. Up to four people can sit at a table and only two in the mall’s restaurants. In the upper grades of elementary schools (grades 6-9), only half of the students in the class will always be present in education and the other half will participate in distance education.
The strict measures are intended to slow the spread of the epidemic. Roman Prymula said.

The head of the ministry said that the precautions taken so far will remain in effect. Therefore, the use of masks is still mandatory in public transport and in closed spaces, health centers, offices. Up to ten can meet in closed rooms and up to twenty outdoors. Office customer service will also be limited to two days a week.

A member of the Czech Electoral Commission wears protective clothing due to the coronavirus epidemic while holding a ballot box in a car polling station in the second round of the Senate elections in Prague on October 7, 2020.Source: MTI / EPA / Martin Divisek

For people subject to quarantine, the Czech authorities allow them to spend this time in complete isolation, not in their homes, but in a selected hotel, so as not to endanger their relatives. The use of hotel segregation will be voluntary.

Prymula said: There are currently more than 1,700 people in the Czech Republic with a coronavirus infection in the hospital, without further precautions, this number could double in a week, posing serious dangers. The number of severe cases requiring a ventilator is more than 350 and the number of deaths is constantly increasing. By Thursday afternoon, some 850 people had died in the Czech Republic since the outbreak began in the spring.
