There are already almost 3 million vaccines against coronavirus in Hungary


This is Sinopharm’s second shipment in China; practically more than half a million doses have already been used by GPs to vaccinate registered seniors. Along with today’s shipment, a million doses of Chinese vaccine have arrived in Hungary. So far a total of 405,000 doses of AstraZeneca have been received and it is reported that much less of this vaccine may arrive in Hungary in the next few weeks than expected.

More than 1 million people have been vaccinated at home, according to the leaflet. Exactly 1,149 million people. In other words, Hungary has so far used 39% of the available vaccine. If we don’t count Thursday’s shipment, we can talk about a 47% utilization rate.

The information portal also recalls that we have increased the amount of Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine attached from 6.5 million doses to 10.9 million. Therefore, Hungary has immobilized a total of 31 million doses of vaccine.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) announced today that it proposes to market in the European Union a vaccine against a new type of coronavirus developed by the pharmaceutical company Janssen Pharmaceutica-Cilag NV, part of the Johnson & Johnson group. The commercialization of the vaccine in the European Union must be formally authorized by the European Commission following a recommendation from the EMA. Hungary expects 4.36 million doses of the Janssen vaccine, which will allow the same number of people to be vaccinated as it is the first single-dose vaccine.

Vaccination of the registered elderly with the Sputnik vaccine received so far has been carried out and is currently being carried out at the vaccination points of hospitals, and vaccination with the last 180,000 doses of the first dose can be started with permission from the National Center for the Public. Health (NNK).


Top image: Modern coronavirus vaccine in a syringe to vaccinate employees working in basic social services in the Retirement House building of the Nyíregyháza Social Care Center on March 11, 2021. Source: MTI / Attila Balázs
