There are already 67,000 victims of the virus in the United States


According to Johns Hopkins University and Baltimore Hospital on Monday afternoon, there are already more than 166,000 people diagnosed with coronavirus infection in the United States, and the epidemic has claimed more than 67,000 lives, and more and more Member States have resumed partially economic life from Monday.

Andrew CuomoThe New York state governor announced at a daily press conference Monday that members of the east coast region will reopen their economies according to a mutually agreed plan. He noted that this is being done based on data reported by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). USA

Cuomo noted that relaunching life in New York State will require a steady decline in new infections for two weeks, an increase in virus testing and the proper amount of hospital capacity. He predicted the reopening of each local government by May 15.

He said 226 people died of Covid-19 disease caused by the coronavirus on Sunday. As he said, the death rate “haunts” him every day and he wants that number to drop at a faster rate. He added that while the number of Covid-19 patients newly admitted to the hospital is also decreasing, it is not decreasing as fast as it would like.

Those not wearing a face mask warned Cuomo that his negligence could kill people.

The parks and beaches of Miami Beach, Florida, were closed again on Monday because they were flooded with masks. Florida Ron DeSantis Although the governor announced the gradual resumption of daily and economic life, he did not extend this to Miami and the surrounding area, because it was here that most infections were diagnosed and the epidemic caused the most deaths.

Steve Mnuchin The finance minister told Fox television on Monday that it is still difficult to say whether international travel could begin this year. He said that the relaunch of the US economy. USA It was a priority, but added that if American entrepreneurs also needed business trips abroad, they could probably only do so on a limited basis for a long time.

Featured Image: MTI / AP / The Orange County Register / Watchara Phomicinda
