There are 3,263 active coronary infestations, of which 2013 in Budapest or Pest County


A new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) has been detected in more Hungarian citizens, which means that the number of people infected in Hungary is 3263, which is the official government information page.

He died better than 8 ids from chronic patients. With this, the number of people who died due to illness increased by 413, and 933 people could go to the crew’s home. The number of active infestations on Sunday morning was 1917.

62% of infected assets, 79% of those killed, and 54% of those infected were from Budapest or Pest County.

There are currently a total of 812 patients with coronary heart disease and 50 are reliable. Meanwhile, the number of people who died from coronavirus infection in nursing homes increased to 98, of which 42 live in the old Pest home.


The second stage of the defense has begun. However, this does not mean the end of the law, as the virus continues to spread. The objective is to start the deposit gradually, according to a strict schedule, and to avoid further “explosions”. Therefore, in Budapest and Pest County, circumvention restrictions remain in place, but in the field, new rules have come into effect. Across the country, it’s still important to keep a distance of 1.5 meters and cover your face in stores and on public transportation.

The elderly are still forced to leave their homes and supermarkets, pharmacies and medicines in the allotted time, from 9 to 12.
