Theft of money from Hrommillirdos in Lyon


Gunmen attacked and robbed a cash transit van on Friday in Lyon, central France, as it was leaving the local headquarters of the French central bank.

The policemen were painted at 9 in the morning. According to the ophthalmologist, the gunmen arrived with two cars, who filled the van from the van that started in front of the Banque de France, and then unloaded the bags full of money.

The attackers gathered the two aid they arrived with at the scene and then fled two other cars, which were later found and found by the police in Lyon.

There was no shot on the robbery line.

“The kr is 9 million euros (more than 3 billion guilders),” the defense said, adding that no one in the tmads had spent it.

He prosecuted an armed robbery in criminal court.

This was the most important money laundering in France in November 2009, when a cg van of loose money was looted in Lyon. Then the truck driver, Toni Musulin, simply disappeared with the estimated 11.6 million euros (4 billion guilders). A few days later, about 9 million euros less were found in a car that the brother had written.
