“The world championship must be achieved”: this is how the participants saw the Hungarian-Serbian


The Hungarian soccer team had seven absences in the Nations League match against Serbia, in which a fair draw (1-1) was made, which places the national team in second place behind Russia, ahead of the also –on paper– stronger, that on Sunday night, he had to miss not only the federal captain of the coronavirus, Marco Rossi, of the professional squad, but also the field coach Cosimo Ingusció, for what Zoltán Gera entered the bench as jumping director.

The actors spoke to M4 Sport television after the meeting.

Ákos Kecskés appeared with a coat of arms for the first time. According to him, “we started the game well,

we were not afraid to play behind,

but the Serbian team is very fast, so unusual we managed to get the goal scored ”, which in turn did not bother them, they were able to change.

“I was not excited about my first game, I wanted to show you what I am capable of on the field. It was an undulating game,” he also said.

Nikolics Nemanja wore the team captain’s armband, not the shield, for the first time and contributed to the tie with a goal pass.

“Zsolt Kalmár’s play was a parade, we deserved the goal. We should have scored more of that in the first half, we were aggressive and held the ball well.

It was a great honor to be a team captain, but I really missed Ádám Szalai, a true leader both on and off the field. “


He said “we deserved to win, but we have another chance,” referring to Wednesday’s aftermath in the Nations League. As he recalled, “on Thursday we achieved a fantastic result, we reached the European Championships, but that has to be put aside now until we have to find new goals, this group has to be won, we have to achieve the World Championships. positive energy is available. ”

The striker Zsolt Kalmár thanked Nikolics for the goal pass, but most importantly, the team was successful, “they played very well”, only missing the victory of the afternoon.

Show team strength, says

He also kept doing what Marco Rossi said before the game at a disadvantage.

“I have had a difficult time, I have had two serious injuries in the last year, but my family and everyone else have been by my side. I hope I can improve in everything. The Eb is in our head, but we will work very hard until then, “he concluded. .

Captain Zoltán Gera also sees that the team played well in the first half, but while he scored only one of his three or four positions, Serbia scored one at a time.

“We asked for the same aggressive attack in the second half, but the team started to get tired and it was more difficult for us to hold on, we got tired. In the last 15 minutes the track broke, but luckily we didn’t come out badly from it.” – summarized.

He will still be against Turkey with the team, but “Marco Rossi will tell us what our job is,” he said.

The League of Nations closes this section against Turkey this Wednesday by the national team, which can no longer fall in League C from B, but can still advance to A if it scores more points than Russia at the same time against Serbia.

There is still a long way to go to the 2021 World Cup.

Division B.
Group number 3:
HUNGARY-Serbia 1-1 (1-1)
Turkey-Russia 3-2 (2-1)
Group status:
1. Russia 5 levels. 2 g and. 2 d. 1 v. 9-7 gk. 8 p.
2. HUNGARY 5 2 2 1 5-4 8
3. Turkey 5 1 3 1 6-6 6
4. Serbia 5 – 3 2 4-7 3

Opening photo: MTI / Koszticsák Szilárd
