The winner of Dancing with the Stars will be revealed today


Sobbing, the winners of Dancing with the Stars collapsed into each other’s arms when the results were announced.

The Dancing with the Stars season 1 finale has kicked off with a dazzling production!

The Dancing with the Stars jury gave the couples helpful advice before the start of the decisive competition.

Anna Pásztor and György Köcse recalled the weeks they spent on Dancing with the Stars, and during the nostalgia both members of the couple became emotional.

The first competition production of the final was presented by Anna Pásztor and György Köcse, who broke the jive again with the success of Blondie.

According to the jury, the production of Anna Pásztor and György Köcse is as perfect as it was in the first show.

Gabriela Spanic didn’t have an easy task at the beginning of the show, as she not only had to deal with the pressure on her …

Gabriela Spanic and Andrei Mangra reintroduced the dance they brought to the floor in their first show, Dancing with the Stars. Check out the production too!

Gabriela Spanic and Andrei Mangra had a wonderful experience. And Gaby also made a great promise, which András Stohl rewarded with a kiss!

Emilio made a great promise to his dancer, Orsolya Tóth, during the competition, but the singer has not yet kept it …

Andrea Molnár has revealed that he will not hold back during productions. If you are under her influence, her makeup will not interest her either, it will take over her emotions.

According to Dani Győrfi’s own confession, he started Dancing with the Stars as an obstacle for him.

Dániel Győrfi and Stana Alexandra entered the parquet in the Final with a vigorous qucikstepp!

Dani Győrfi feels that without his dance partner he would not be where he is now.

Nothing will ever be the same as between Tímea Gelencsér and Bertalan Hegyes in recent weeks.

After the first broadcast of Dancing with the Stars, Tímea Gelencsér and Bertalan Hegyes presented their wonderful tango production at the Final!

Timi Gelencsér and Berci Hegyes fought with tears in the final. The jury said it was a really moving moment.

Stohl Luca revealed in a live broadcast that his father is very moved by the dancers’ production and that the show is coming to an end.

Sándor Noszály and Anna Mikes revealed the comeback sensation, and also answered other important questions from Krisztián Kadlecsek and Luca Stohl.

Competitors who have already withdrawn from the competition have returned to the Dancing with the Stars Finals to bid farewell to the show with a fantastic production.

Enikő Détár and Gábor Szabó were talking about their emotions when Emilio suddenly appeared on stage and did his own live show.

After the first round of the Final, it was revealed which couple received the fewest votes, which meant the race was over for them.

Dániel Győrfi and Stana Alexandra became the fourth place winners of Dancing with the Stars.

Anna Shepherd had experienced tremendous trauma before, and now fate has led her to face this fear.

The jury chose: Anna Pásztor and György Köcse wanted to see their contemporary productions again in the final!

Anna Pásztor and György Köcse proved that they can do the impossible! And the jury praised him with high praise.

The jury honestly expressed their opinion on the Gabriela Spanic and Andrei Mangra duo and then selected the production that the contestants would have to dance again.

The jury really liked the production of Gabriela Spanic and Andrei Mangra in the third program, so they decided that they would like to see this dance of theirs again.

Gabriela Spanic and Andrei Mangra said that the jury was now the most serene.

Dániel Győrfi and Stana Alexandra would not have thought about their dreams that would go this far, but the relationship between them is much more important than the ranking. The jury selected the production that they would like to see again by Tímea Gelencsér and her partner, Bertalan Hegyes!

Paso Doble, who danced to the musical Romeo y Julieta, was the absolute favorite of the jury of Tímea Gelencsér and Bertalan Hegyes.

Emilio, as the interpreter of László Istenes, also participated in the interview, together they caused unforgettable moments for the audience.

The jury also awarded applause to the production of Timi Gelencsér and Berci Hegyes.

The jury began rehearsing with great impetus and Miklós Schiffer decided that he would definitely like to step on the track with his beloved during production.

Dancing with the Stars audiences wowed audiences with an overwhelming production at the Finale!

After the second round of the Dancing with the Stars finale, it was revealed which couple won third place on the show!

Anna Pásztor and György Köcse became the Dancing with the Stars bronze medal couple!

A special ritual developed between Anna Pásztor and György Köcse, and at the end of the competition the exclusive details were revealed.

Gabriela Spanic, who is very grateful to her partner and who will always remember her time in Hungary, made her latest production with great effort.

Andrea Osvárt and András Suti were disappointed that Anna Pásztor said goodbye before the last competition. They revealed which couple were still raving about.

Gabriela Spanic and Andrei Mangra entered the park at the Finals with a wonderful Viennese circus.

He thanked Gabriela Spanic, Nóra Ördög and highlighted: Gaby had an amazing performance the whole time!

Zsolt Ordasi unveiled special secrets behind the scenes about Gabriela Spanic. He was moved by his latest production and the farewell to Tímea Gelencsér and her dance partner, Bertalan Hegyes.

In the last duel of the Final, Tímea Gelencsér and Bertalan Hegyes circulated. Check out the couple’s wonderful production!

The latest production by Timi Gelencsér and Berci Hegyes was a great success with the jury. Nora Devil couldn’t hide her touch either.

Nikolett Füredi took the stage with the insert of the Oscar-winning animated film Ice Magic in the final of Dancing With The Stars.

Everyone will dance next year too! Dancing with the Stars continues in 2021!

The Dancing with the Stars jury sat on an emotional roller coaster during the show. They feel like they have witnessed an incredible event. After incredible excitement, it turned out that the couple won the first Hungarian season of Dancing with the Stars. Tímea Gelencsér and Bertalan Hegyes, as well as Gabriela Spanic and Andrei Mangra also performed their last dance on the Dancing with the Stars parquet.

Gabriela Spanic and Andrei Mangra became silver medalists in Dancing with the Stars. The couple were surprised to comment on the past period.

Timi Gelencsér and Berci Hegyes, the winners of Dancing With The Stars, revealed their plans for the future after the show.

2020 Dec 12 23:54

Tags: dancing with the stars
