The widow received a bulletproof vest before the funeral and feared that Zambó’s sister Jimmy would jump into the pit.


“I remember buying a beautiful Smith and Wesson self-defense pistol with a chrome wood grip. I was very proud of him. He had a closed diplomatic bag, outside of which he and his family knew the number combinations. While traveling he kept his gun in this bag, other times he held it to his side and drove it that way. It was serious, so he changed this weapon for the particular Beretta that gave him the fatal shot, ”recalls in his book Krisztián Tóth, the bodyguard who had had the most in recent years.

In the company of friends, he proudly displayed his favorite weapon. When he started making a glass, I asked him. I took out the magazine and put it in my pocket. I always checked that the tube was also empty. And the excavated weapon went into the diplomatic bag. Like in concerts, television shows. At home, of course, he kept it in a safe. The safe was located in one of the rooms on the upper level of the house. The upper level belonged to the family, which was considered a sanctuary. No one outside the family could go up there, “he wrote.

The death of surprise

The incident occurred on January 2, 2001 and on January 3 there was news in all the newspapers. “The projectile of his own weapon killed the well-known singer Imre Zámbó, 43, shortly after five in the afternoon yesterday. According to the first police investigation, it can be ruled out that the man, known only as Jimmy, was the victim of a murder. The case is being investigated by the Extraordinary Department of Deaths of the District V Police Headquarters within the framework of an administrative procedure “, all this is contained in the first official statement issued by the police on the death.

The Hungarian Nation wrote that even on the night of January 1 a kind of party took place at Csepel’s house, when the singer shot out the window with Beretta. “After removing the magazine from the pistol, he brought the pistol to his right temple. He apparently forgot that after the previous shot was fired, the next bullet was automatically inserted into the barrel of the gun, so when he pulled the trigger, it was practically over. The assault car of the National Ambulance Service arrived at the scene minutes after the incident. The operating room was prepared in the neurosurgery of the Budapest Military Hospital, but Imre Zámbó died of his injury after being transferred to the hospital, ”the newspaper said.

Magyar Hírlap also wrote that a fight preceded the fatal shooting, and there was even a gas pistol that was also fired from. “The projectile did very serious damage to the skull. In fact, Jimmy had no chance of surviving the shot. The ambulances that arrived in minutes tried for more than an hour to put them in a condition that could take them at least to the hospital. The surgeons of the Military Hospital fought for the life of the singer for two hours, ”they wrote.

Wasn’t there a fight?

“It is not true that Jimmy had a fight with his wife before the accident, it was unreal, wonderfully, at peace,” the district police captain refuted some of the rumors. company.

He allegedly fired two warning shots with his gas pistol and called for the company to leave, then irritated, he took his Beretta-type pistol and fired with it as well; By then he was targeting nearby roosters, at least according to rumors around town. His wife ordered him to lay down the gun immediately. Jimmy took the magazine out of the pistol and said he would stop firing. “Look, I took out the magazine, the pistol is not loaded,” he said, then raised the pistol to his temple and pulled the trigger.

Were there four or more?

In early 2001, Zambó’s death was a topic for weeks and months, mainly because there was conflicting news and the story was confusing. At that time, a woman named Éva Hullé appeared in the press, confirming both the results of the police investigation and the testimony of the widow. According to him, there was no big company, as many newspapers wrote, only four people stayed at the family home in Csepel on the night in question: Adrian, the youngest son, Mrs. Edit, his wife, Éva Hullé, the fan and good friend , and Jimmy, the later victim. .

According to the woman, it was time to play music and have a good conversation. Only two bottles of champagne ran out all night. Adrián went back to sleep for about two hours, the adults continued to celebrate the new year. Around five in the morning, the neighbor’s rooster rang, and Jimmy, said amused, said that he would shoot the animal’s nest. He fired the first two shots from the wife’s alarm pistol and then a third from his own Beretta brand pistol. Then he reached out, but he pushed the gun for a while longer, but he shouldn’t have done it anymore.

He was buried on January 20

The press, of course, jumped on the subject, practically all the newspapers covered it in an understandable way: he was also interested in the mysterious case of not listening to his hits. “The atmosphere at the funeral was influenced by what the newspapers wrote about Jimmy’s death: they dissected whether there was an accident or not. Who can be liable? they asked, and names were even mentioned. They created an atmosphere where blind and fanatical fans almost became attackers. Tension was felt. We have telephones to pay more attention to because it is expected that it will be one or two people who cannot process this correctly and want to be self-sufficient. We have Mrs. Edit in a bulletproof vest. We made sure that no one could cross the marching process, “wrote Krisztián Tóth, the former bodyguard.

Zambó is Jimmy’s grave, a few years agoPhoto: Bálint Hirling – Origo

Several streets were closed before the march, a problem arose: the carriage with the horses suddenly swayed, it was hardly possible to follow it. Family members picked up the pace they almost had to rush. They asked the driver to try to drive the horses so that they could follow the carriage. “A helicopter followed us. From there the entire funeral was broadcast live. I don’t know who came to mind, but certainly not a man who thought a funeral required silence and privacy. The procession passed a small Reformed church, the priest stood out, and as the crowd marched before him, the bell rang to the end. It was a very nice gesture, nobody asked for it, and yet this church said goodbye in its own way, giving respect to the dead and mourners as well ”.

“I’m in a line of fire”

During the funeral procession, family and friends walked behind the dead carriage, following the coffin with slow steps. The widow was supported by her children. The bodyguards pulled a tight ring around the family members, it was the turn of discipline. “In one section of the road there were flat-roofed houses, people standing on the rooftops with a camera in hand. There were those who blamed his wife for what happened. A tripod was installed for the camera: the man inevitably remembered, in order not to see horrors or paint a devil on the wall, an ideal angle for an attack. If someone wants to shoot from there, they can. Instinctively I withdrew to Mrs. Edit. Then I realized that I was already in the line of fire. Many withdrew “- this description also shows how tense the ceremony was.

Source: Wikimedia Commons / Dr József Varga

Many thousands gathered in the area, there was no average funeral. “Only family or mourners with a VIP card could enter the cemetery at the time the coffin was laid. There was relatively little time left for this, fifteen to twenty minutes, along with the priest’s speech. It was also a request for security people to pay attention to it should not happen that someone falls into the crypt or jumps intentionally. We received information that Marietta, Jimmy’s sister, wanted to jump after the coffin at her father’s funeral. We didn’t want him to get in trouble. They all came to a halt in the crypt. The coffin was removed from the carriage, brought by the cemetery staff with dignified movements, and then lowered into the crypt. The televisions did not broadcast the lowering of the coffin for humanitarian reasons. They put the cement cover back on, they put the flowers on it, I said later, we have to start slowly. Tihamér could especially wait, he behaved in the most rational manner. He was strong, he held back. They all went to the cars in a disciplined manner, ”the bodyguard recalled.

Dominated the record charts

Zimmbo Jimmy had sold thousands of records and cassettes before, but after his death it happened exactly like in the case of the deceased pop stars: the record market accelerated, even a month after his death, his albums were in the top eight – First in his place with Christmas Jimmy, second in Song, third in Best Of Edition Part 2. As you can see in the image below, he also topped the book list after his death.


Many cried and lamented the unexpected and strange death of Zámbo, it was also possible to read about the personal tragedy. On January 23, one of his fans followed him to his death: the sixteen-year-old left a farewell letter in which she described and listened to Jimmy’s songs, especially the Fallen Student, in which she was fully known.
